they had to charge him with something but this is the lesser of the three evils he has done. What Hunter has done is statutory law that has been against the law for years. Now what Trump has done or being charged with is arbitrary law that isn’t a law but a law made up by crooked attorney’s and judges just to get a conviction. There is a big difference in statutory law and made up law. Look at the the tax crimes hell the IRS knew about this crap all along kind of like the DOJ knew about the money laudering all a long, they all got paid to keep their mouth’s shut because it was a pay check loss for them if they told it. Biden’s Ukraine deal’s had been going on way before he was a VP and as a senator and the FBI knew this all the time.The truth be known they are where the 10% for the big guy is where that money went straight to FBI headquarters but keep it as hush money.
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they had to charge him with something but this is the lesser of the three evils he has done. What Hunter has done is statutory law that has been against the law for years. Now what Trump has done or being charged with is arbitrary law that isn’t a law but a law made up by crooked attorney’s and judges just to get a conviction. There is a big difference in statutory law and made up law. Look at the the tax crimes hell the IRS knew about this crap all along kind of like the DOJ knew about the money laudering all a long, they all got paid to keep their mouth’s shut because it was a pay check loss for them if they told it. Biden’s Ukraine deal’s had been going on way before he was a VP and as a senator and the FBI knew this all the time.The truth be known they are where the 10% for the big guy is where that money went straight to FBI headquarters but keep it as hush money.
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