Georgie boy needs to retire. He like Biden is a puppet of the Left wing and he has spent his public life on his knees, licking the blls of those who pay him. He is as sickening as the other bll licker, Chuckie Toady ( Todd) . They dance with the date who brought them.. They try to squeeze out words they want to hear in order to please the Progressive a-holes. they all have their own agenda. Is Georgie now the AOC of network bllsht?
Georgie boy needs to retire. He like Biden is a puppet of the Left wing and he has spent his public life on his knees, licking the blls of those who pay him. He is as sickening as the other bll licker, Chuckie Toady ( Todd) . They dance with the date who brought them.. They try to squeeze out words they want to hear in order to please the Progressive a-holes. they all have their own agenda. Is Georgie now the AOC of network bllsht?
I think it’s time for Georgie boy to change his last name to Step-in-shit.