Kash Patel BLOWS The Doors Off Trump Prosecution in FLAMETHROWER Rant Calls for ‘ARRESTS in Court’



I hope Trump keeps the bidens in court for the next 8 years.

Kash Patel, for Trumps U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL.


  1. I hope trump wins and the senate and house turn republican. then i want trump to put a special prosecutor on every single democrats governor, senate member, house member, judge, da, and ag. he also needs to have all of the FBI people who have proven to be leftists arrested and put in gitmo for trials sometime in the future, maybe two or three years out, like the fake jan 6th trials.

    I want him to put 100 full time people on investigating and charge the Clinton’s, obama’s, and biden’s over and over and over and over.

    Yes O want him to use massive amount of taxpayers money are rooting out every democrats and finding a way to put them in prison. Even if the trials have to be as corrupt and sleazy and the engoron and merchan trials are.

    Then I want him to say. if the Democrats have learned a lesson for this I can stop but it only ends with a whole bunch of new laws that favor conservatives being passed. starting with making is a felony to ever pass another gun, bullet, or accessory law and the loss of all legal rights for the ATF to have any police or military equipment including guns and helmets.

    • I agree with everyone here, we need to gut the government, but my hopes are Trump sues sue this entire bunch of liars, traitors and money grabbers. I’d like to see these self-made elitists broke and crying to Trump for a job.

  2. All true comments. Illegal immigrants are a threat to the Republic. Trump using a payment to influence an election. That is a reach. First It was Russia helped him win. That didn’t work. The January 6 was destroyed. January 6 Committee destroyed the paperwork, tapes, phone calls. Hillary did the same thing. Over 2000 phone records and emails. Destroyed the laptop and hard drive. Then Hunter’s laptop was hidden by the FBI. Biden lied about his involvement in bribes with other countries, including knowing Hunter’s business dealings. Involved with them. Checks, phone calls, etc. Same as Hillary, January 6 Committee. This has a pattern. And Trump is accused of this. Hillary payed people to push the Russian saga. FBI and Biden hid Hunter’s laptop. That seems more of election interference. Screwed up who should be prosecuted. That evidence is overwhelming. Add in Dr. Fauci’s crimes. Biden’s coverup. January 6 not showing all the tapes. Witnesses and evidence left out. Again. this is bull that Trump is even in court. Compared to all these crimes by the left and their enablers. The Mainstream Media, George Soros, Bill Gates, and who else paid billions into the Biden campaign. Then Robert DeNiro hired by the Biden Administration, saying Trump becomes President, he will not leave. Interesting these people are surrounded by stupid people that are paid to lie. And of course agree with crap that isn’t true. Fact check folks. Something only Bill O’ Reilly and others on The First News do. NewsMax also shows stories with facts. The Democrats just say anything and everything that the Mainstream Media could just look up, and show it’s not true. But they do not. Then the average citizen only sees that, and believes.

    • Read the latest documentary by Peter Schweizer. BLOOD MONEY . How Bribem’s are making huge cash helping XI get money using our border to get Fentanyl to our youth and killing 60-80,000 Americans a year, not counting the rapists and thugs of MS-13 and every other terrorist group coming here. It’s “aiding and abetting”, the enemy. And “dereliction of duty”. Making money with foreign enemies would usually call for treason, which can carry a firing squad.


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