AP, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNZC, all need to be taken over by the federal government. What happened to Lester Holt a few days ago? Coffee Joe has got to go! I think he’s related to Adam Schiff?
Stop having press conferences. Put out a press release in the form of a sheet of paper with info that President would say if asked what was going on in the world. Or you could do like Biden and have 2 reporters with info on what questions 2 two reporters could ask. Or better yet put it on a teleprompter and turn the teleprompter where reporters could read a bumbling answer.
What is more troubling to me, is the judiciary branch of the government swallowing and going along with this lawfare every step of the way, which leads me to believe they are totally corrupt in their stupid little black robes!
Of course they’re corrupt. The entire justice system is under British maritime law, not common law as stated in the Constitution. Everything in this nation changed when the US government became a corporation in 1871! Idiots actually think that 0homo was running the show behind SlowJoe, but 0homo is just another puppet.
After this ridiculous lawsuit is dismissed. Ms. Leavitt should counter sue the AP.
AP, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, MSNZC, all need to be taken over by the federal government. What happened to Lester Holt a few days ago? Coffee Joe has got to go! I think he’s related to Adam Schiff?
Stop having press conferences. Put out a press release in the form of a sheet of paper with info that President would say if asked what was going on in the world. Or you could do like Biden and have 2 reporters with info on what questions 2 two reporters could ask. Or better yet put it on a teleprompter and turn the teleprompter where reporters could read a bumbling answer.
Every word, GOLD! Spot on.
What is more troubling to me, is the judiciary branch of the government swallowing and going along with this lawfare every step of the way, which leads me to believe they are totally corrupt in their stupid little black robes!
Of course they’re corrupt. The entire justice system is under British maritime law, not common law as stated in the Constitution. Everything in this nation changed when the US government became a corporation in 1871! Idiots actually think that 0homo was running the show behind SlowJoe, but 0homo is just another puppet.
KJP lied every time she opened her mouth. So did Jen Psaki.