This country of ours is so screwed up and we need to fix it now before it’s to late . We need a new President, You might not like Trump and that’s ok but he gets things done..
All good comments. The people behind him do not care. They should force him to resign. But, money is more important to them than doing things right for the American people. God knows what is best.
I pray he delivers us from the evil in Jesus Name.
Stupid Biden has always been a racist communist brain dead moron it just nobody did thier research they voted Stupid because Americans are lazy about thier precious vote
I have long said the claims made by all the media, talking network heads, and our vaunted (not) politicians, that “The American People Are Not Stupid,” is NOT TRUE. ‘The American People Are Quite Stupid,’ were it not so, America would not be on the brink of joining ALL those ‘former’ World Powers on that “Ash Heap of History” where they all reside! As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT.”
“He has lost it” Uh, not so much. As others have noted, ‘Biden’ has never ‘had it!’ This poor, shell of an empty suit, has done NOTHING except ‘criminally’ enrich himself over 50+ years of sucking off of the taxpayer’s teat. As his own BOSS stated, when he was the VP, “Never Put It Past Biden To “F” Things Up.”
The head of the biden crime family awakes to tell America we have laws….The White House “has made it clear”, WTF now the democrats want you to think the White House is a living enity that can speak and think all this because joe biden lacks the physical and mental strenth to be in charge and make decisions that effect the safety of our people and Country. We are being overrun with terriost murders rapists and drug lords and biden does nothing well America hope you remember this at voteing time there is a do nothing President that spends half his time on breaks and vacations and his family enjoys financial gain from the communist chinese party and others. Democrats can’t govern they are too corrupt and power craisd to do anything for their Country and let anold man half wit try and kill our Country…….
joe biden has been a low IQ fool his whole life. his has been clinically insane for the last 20 years and the last ten he has been increasingly demented.
The people who voted for biden knew he was mentally ill and voted that way anyway.
People who vote for democrats are brainwashed, therefore they didn’t see Biden as old, feeble and a lying, thieving crook that he is. Coverups are key and nobody is telling the truth about Biden going home every weekend, he’s going there where he can’t be seen getting juiced on God know what. Just something else being hidden just like Kennedy being given drugs to keep him walking.
Sad when he wants to change but it is obvious the President has big problems.
Trump doesn’t realize that he can’t debate Biden. Biden has changed this country into a banana republic. No debating is allowed.
biden was a brain dead husk before the last election. that is why they kept him in the basement.
you fools voted for a zombie.
Only idiots did not knwo trump was a better choice.
This country of ours is so screwed up and we need to fix it now before it’s to late . We need a new President, You might not like Trump and that’s ok but he gets things done..
All good comments. The people behind him do not care. They should force him to resign. But, money is more important to them than doing things right for the American people. God knows what is best.
I pray he delivers us from the evil in Jesus Name.
Stupid Biden has always been a racist communist brain dead moron it just nobody did thier research they voted Stupid because Americans are lazy about thier precious vote
I have long said the claims made by all the media, talking network heads, and our vaunted (not) politicians, that “The American People Are Not Stupid,” is NOT TRUE. ‘The American People Are Quite Stupid,’ were it not so, America would not be on the brink of joining ALL those ‘former’ World Powers on that “Ash Heap of History” where they all reside! As Ripley would say, “BELIEVE IT OR NOT.”
“He has lost it” Uh, not so much. As others have noted, ‘Biden’ has never ‘had it!’ This poor, shell of an empty suit, has done NOTHING except ‘criminally’ enrich himself over 50+ years of sucking off of the taxpayer’s teat. As his own BOSS stated, when he was the VP, “Never Put It Past Biden To “F” Things Up.”
The head of the biden crime family awakes to tell America we have laws….The White House “has made it clear”, WTF now the democrats want you to think the White House is a living enity that can speak and think all this because joe biden lacks the physical and mental strenth to be in charge and make decisions that effect the safety of our people and Country. We are being overrun with terriost murders rapists and drug lords and biden does nothing well America hope you remember this at voteing time there is a do nothing President that spends half his time on breaks and vacations and his family enjoys financial gain from the communist chinese party and others. Democrats can’t govern they are too corrupt and power craisd to do anything for their Country and let anold man half wit try and kill our Country…….
joe biden has been a low IQ fool his whole life. his has been clinically insane for the last 20 years and the last ten he has been increasingly demented.
The people who voted for biden knew he was mentally ill and voted that way anyway.
People who vote for democrats are brainwashed, therefore they didn’t see Biden as old, feeble and a lying, thieving crook that he is. Coverups are key and nobody is telling the truth about Biden going home every weekend, he’s going there where he can’t be seen getting juiced on God know what. Just something else being hidden just like Kennedy being given drugs to keep him walking.