J6 Hostages REFUSED RELEASE After Pardon As DEEP STATE Ignores Trump! CLASHES Outside Prison Erupt!



Being in prison for 4 years without a trial IS BEING A HOSTAGE!

If they’re fighting the release, it means they’re terrified of what happens when the hostages get to testify about how they were treated.


  1. Time for Nancy Pelosi to get indicted over this prearranged deep state party/setup by the Marxist Democrats.

    Next indict Michael Carter the gutless Capital Cop who shot and killed an unarmed veteran

    • Compare the actions of Michael Carter to those of Daniel Penny… the cop shot an unarmed woman while she was attempting to comply with the order to vacate the capital and… NO charges. In fact, the PoS was actually promoted. Meanwhile, Mr. Penny, who had no weapon, took on an armed crazy, who was actively threatening unarmed people on the subway, and simply restrained him. Carter deserves to be tried for murder – and put in the general population, where he can take his chances in the shower.

  2. So, is it now okay to assault police officers during a violent protest? I think NOTHING is good about that. Trump is disgustingly wrong to give a blanket pardon. HE should be punished for that.

    • Four years in captivity without a trial is not enough for you? Four years in prison for assaulting the police who fired tear gas and other projectiles at you is not enough for you?

      You obviously believe yourself to be much more of a judicial representative than the President of the United States.

      You believe all the protesters burning and killing in towns and cities over a large area of the United States were doing the work of the righteous. If they get off scot-free, for their violence and the deaths of many, it is OK in your eyes.

      I think I have it now—everything violent or taking of life participated in by the left is OK and should be proclaimed as righteous. Everything participated in by the right, including protests of a rigged election, is wrong and should be subject to litigation.

      Much more is involved, but you get the left’s viewpoint. I see it, do you?

      • Let’s not forget the “plants” by Pelosi and the FBI to blend in with the Trump supporters. The riots had already started before Trumps’ rally was over 2+ miles away. Why would Pelosi and the rest of the committee destroy evidence? Why would they not let let any testimony by the defense? Why did Pelosi admit on camera that she takes full responsibility for not calling in the National Guard as was requested by Trump before anything got further out of control just as his rally had ended?? Why have the prisoners been denied due process?

  3. In the demonic Democrats book the Jan 6 prisoners can rot in jail indefinitely and they every right to stop them being released and cause more chaos and violence because that is their absolute right as Democrats. It is perfectly acceptable for BLM and Antifa to burn and loot our cities. The cop who killed Ashli Babbitt definitely deserved a medal because he killed a MAGA. Trump should be in prison because he wants to restore America back to sanity. Criminals should be allowed to roam free and cause more chaos and violence. Children should be allowed to have surgery and change their sex. God and Jesus should be banned indefinitely and statues of Satan and his demons should be in every government house. History should be completely rewritten to fix the narrative of the left. Anything good and decent should be banned. I know I didn’t cover everything but I still believe the real enemies of this country are the Democrats. They love the division and the hell they have created.


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