J6 Defendants SUE Capitol Police for MILLIONS as Media’s J6 Narrative UNRAVELS!!!



It is time for Obama to finally leave the White House after three terms in office! Trump 2024!

I think they should sue for BILLION DOLLARS EACH! Those patriots deserve every penny and the kingpin Liz Chaney should be put in jail for LIFE


  1. Good for them. Put all those involved with that J6 Kangaroo Court out of Congress and cancel all retirement&benefits and give them years in the dirty gulag that those patriots were in. This only happened because “We The People” are tired of the fraud and saw the ABC groups “rig the election”. Coup d’Etat.

    • I totally agree with you. This is the biggest travesty of justice ever in America. I sincerely hope that EVERY ONE OF THOSE who have been charged, jailed and those who are still rotting in that hell hole of a prison waiting for trial turn and sue everyone who had a part in bringing about this fiasco. Go for it guys and gals !!!!!!!!!!!

    • Are you kidding. They’ll get away with everything because they can afford to hire overpriced mouth pieces whereas, the people in the gulag can’t. Besides they’ve got friends to hand over the money for them, case in point Hunter and his art gallery friend. You get away with murder in Washington.

  2. You din know he is on the pay roll he works there know till they get Biden out he is there to supervise of Biden .

  3. Do all of us TRUE AMERICANS a favor. Arrest Obama , Soros and Biden ! Lock them up with a life sentence OR Hang in public ceremony for ALL to see on TV !

  4. Reveal all the January 6 tapes and let the people decide. They just arrested a woman let in on January 6. Prayed and walked out. That shows the corrupt Justice System. Cannot be targeted based on race, Religion, economic status. Some of the January 6 defendants caused trouble. Jail maybe. Depends on what. Trump did not. It’s now been proven he did not jump at the steering wheel. He did not say, “ Hang Mike Pence.” And he did request the National Guard prior. And said, “ Go peacefully to the Capitol.” According to Capitol Police Chief. Pelosi said, “No, to the Guard.” Isn’t it weird, after January 6, she requests the National Guard and fencing. They sleep on the floor of the garage. Most of these Radical Democrats have really no leadership skills, common sense, or money management skills. They have to lie. The Police Officer that shot Ashley Babbitt, did not get charged. Was put in a hotel. She was white. He was black. Racism. No one jumped up and down. No apology. This is what Communists do. No empathy, lie, blame someone else, and careless policies, self serving. Everything Biden has done proves it. The guy that planted smoke bombs at Republican and Democrat sites was never charged. Compared January 6 to “911” and Pearl Harbor. That is insulting. I do not need to explain. Evidence has shown Biden has been corrupt, lied, and no good his whole career. He says, “ You ain’t black man.” Called some black people white supremacists. Because they disagreed with his nonsense. Trump attended the recent funeral of a N.Y. Police Officer, the train wreck in Iowa. Biden did not even call the family of deceased police officer. Did not do anything with the train wreck. Flood other countries with money. Our enemies. Iran, Gaza, and flooded, yes, the not secure border. The criminal networks coming into, and allowing. Insanity. Did not call out BLM, Antifa, and others for their violence. Mainstream Media helps out. Peaceful Protests with fires burning, businesses destroyed, police and civilians hurt or killed. And the Capitol, people let in. Walked through the Capitol peacefully. And the few that caused trouble. How did over 500 people get arrested? Was even hearing that the correction officers within the jail were telling them they hate Trump. The Washington, New York, and California politicians and bureaucrats have one thing in common. Corruption, lying, targeting people that disagree with their crappy policies. There is no comparison to the disaster Biden has caused and will carry on for years. Inflation all time high. Trump did not even need to become President. He was already rich. He was told no way you can win the 2016 Election. When he did, immediately, Russia helped him win. Lie. Hillary hired people to push that. Got the Covid Vaccine approved in record time. Dr. Fauci and others said no way. Trump got the virus. Recovered. Even sending a ship with beds, supplies, masks, vaccines, and doctors to New York while Cuomo was bragging about how awesome he was. Writing a book. And he is the one that had low supply of masks and sent infected into nursing homes. If Trump was so bad, why would he have done that? Closed travel to and from China. Day in and day out, the Mainstream Media and mostly Democrats attacked him. He still took it, and was successful. Low fuel prices, strong military, no wars, or the end for Afghanistan War. Planning. Not just get up and go. Biden. Left our equipment to be used against us. What an idiot. Trump visited North Korea. No, he wasn’t there to kiss butt. He went to try and end the North and South Korea stand-off. Did it work? Will see. The bribes by Biden. Checks and thousands of phone calls. He has been involved with Hunter’s business. Plane rides together. Many. Selling us out to China. Gave our fuel to China and others. Destroyed Alaska Pipeline workers jobs. No warning. Gave money to Russia for their pipeline. There is the Russia collusion. Depleted our fuel reserve. Targeted Conservative views as misinformation. Vaccine and mask mandates. Schools and businesses closed. Military forced to take vaccine or get discharged. Enabled child gender changes. Men claiming to be women in locker rooms. Guns from registered citizens. But allowing criminals out of jail, and not confiscating their guns. Targeting Christians. Form of racism or radical targeting. Churches help the poor, give shelter, help people pay bills. Pay and visit sick loved ones. And yet they are the bad guys. No. The Radical Democrats are the threat to the Republic.

  5. Sal, how does it feel to be a “useful idiots” for the communist Democrat party?
    What crimes has Trump committed?
    After 8 years and countless phony charges , Trump has MEVER been found guilty of ONE THING!!
    Are you really that gullible and ignorant?
    Hillary did say ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated” thanks Sal for proving it

  6. The fbi needs to be burned down every one those fbi agents should loose thier pension and put in prison what they have proven is that America does not need the fbi they have not defended our borders in a long time but they have done election interference


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