I Think I Found Kamala’s Real Family | Candace Ep 73



Heavenly Father, please bless and protect Candace Owens. Thank you. It is done.

Something tells me that we can also add Kamala to Rachel Dolezal’s family tree
We love you Janet! ❤️


  1. Oscar H Harrs: 1914-1976
    Beryl Christie Harris Finegan: 1917-1995
    She was married at age 25, therefore this date would be 1942. No marriage certificate. Her son Donald J Harris was born in 1938. There is no birth certificate for him, no one knows where it is. So, Oscar and Beryl gave birth of a son, out of being marriage. Was that common there to religious people? Oscar Harris remarries married to Violis Cambridge 1952, who looks like Kamala, Beryl remarries in 1944 to Lawford Newland (German). So her son would be 5 years old, Kamala’s father. No birth certificate for Donald Harris, where is it? This will tell who the father and mother were, all hidden. Donard Harris and Shyamala Gopalain marry, newspaper clipping November 01, 1963. No marriage records. Kamala was born in 1964, mother is Caucasian, father is Jamaican. Opening up the onion, where is the Press? Not interested.

    • I figured she was a phony. She belongs behind bars for all her lies. Thank you, Candace. I love you to pieces. Such a great honest lady that I admire so much. God Bless you and keep up the good work. Stat safe, she is evil.

  2. As with everythign else about harris, her family and race is artificial.

    Why are the leftist knowingly voting for a con artist who is not even good at being a con artist.

    • Sadly, it is not only “the left” that has all but brought America to destruction. Contrary to the claim made by the media, network talking heads, and our erudite (not) politicians, that “The American People Are Not Stupid,” America’s current state of decline PROVES that “The American People Are Quite Stupid!” At least those people that participate in that thing called ‘The American Electorate.’

  3. Personally, I could not care less who married whom and/or what their gene pool contained or their ethnicity. It has been proven conclusively that this wannabe president woman is a raging, compulsive, narcissistic, conscious-less, LIAR!

    There is no need to know anything else about her. Anyone even considering this woman to be the next “Leader of The (not so) FREE World,” should consider scheduling their long overdue lobotomy, for they have LOST the ability to reason.


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