HUGE UPDATE on Trump VP pick!!



Pray for the safety of Trump and Vivek and their families . This is getting very serious.

Vivak stood back as a VP should. This is not to take away from President Trump


  1. Vivek seems to be a likeable guy, and he’s definitely grounded on what he believes. He speaks eloquently, and he is respectful to others while educating them (unless he’s seeing negative intentions–then he can be fierce). I truly like just about everything about him except that he’s not Christian. Yes, I’m serious about this. What does this say about our faith in God if we hand over the leadership of our country to one who is not faithful to Him? We need to consider this. Kari Lake is still my top choice.

    • Elementeacher, I must agree with what you wrote. Vivek’s Middle Eastern surname makes me nervous. I realize that’s the wrong reason, but we don’t need a bunch of camel jockeys in our government.

  2. My VP picks? I can handle Vivek. I think he would make a fine Presidential Intern for 4 years down the road. Trump could teach him a lot.

    My other VP pick would be ::::::drum roll, please!::::: Tulsi Gabbert! Ex military, which I love! Woman with common sense, which I love! Would bring women to the ticket, which I love! And finally, without vitriolic diatribe, could quite possibly bring a little moderation back to politics! OK, I’m done! LOL!

  3. Unbelievable comments! Stop listening to FoxNews and Newsmax! Everyone named in these comments is just as inexperienced, and, self absorbed as Trump! Trump has brought hatred and violence to our country by his efforts to destroy our democracy to become the dictator of a new fascist nation, yes, OUR country, the United States of America! He wants total immunity for him, as he wants the ability to have OUR American military to murder his political rivals, and, whomever doesn’t agree with him. WAKE UP! Trump is a sick man. He is a traitor who tried to take over OUR country by efforts to overthrow the presidential election, and, a coup of OUR country, by, Trump extremists attacking OUR capitol. Trump doesn’t want one more term….he wants to stay in power…permanently, and, rule as a dictator! FASCISM or DEMORACY?
    The choice is up to ALL Americans!

    • Wondering how old you are? Just curious to know how many years it takes to gain your level of stupidity.

    • Are your comments actually serious examples of your thinking?
      Please step back and take an honest look at the political scene – the demon-crats have telegraphed everything they are about, by trying to pin it on Trump, and his base. They name call, demean, shame, guilt anyone with an opposing view, if the opposing view can get through the censorship.

      It is not about MAGA, it is about folks who love the United States of America and are tired of being lied to, being taxed to death, have to watch illegal immigrants get more aid/help than United States citizens, homeless folks, and veterans – and how about closing the borders? Why is this administration allowing MILLIONS of unvetted and unknown immigrants to flow undaunted into the core of the country with no tracking, while the administration is tracking all Americans?

    • And just where are you getting your news? CNN? MSDNC? CBS?

      Threat to democracy

      A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
      A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
      Oppressive, dictatorial control.

      Now who might that definition better apply to? Trump? Or Barack Biden?

    • There’s no smoke without fire – Trump did win the election and he is not a sick man nor a traitor! Do your research lady.

    • I am really baffled by your comments. Do you have any real “evidence” to support your position. I ask that question because your allegations are so far removed from the reality that I see. I am not opposed to listening to the evidence of such allegations, but it must be real, substantiated with facts, rather than conjecture, evidence. Trump has already been president for one term and did not show signs of any of the accusations that you make. I am all ears. Please, tell me the facts upon which you base your comments. Any media reports are not considered facts in a court of law, and neither are comments from unverified sources. So, show me the facts!

    • High level of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Your cure is to take another yearly Covid shot…your 5th shot will be the ultimate and final cure.

  4. I’d like to see Vivek and Tulsi Gabbard in the next Trump Administration. Both can be a benefit toward getting our nation back on TRACK !

  5. The only problem I have with vivek is that he is hindoo and hindoos in other countries do not believe in freedom of religion they actually persecute those of other faith, but I do like what he says

  6. i am so glad i was hopping from the beginning to pick him he is great he says it like it is great thank god with this two we cant go wrong they are so alike we need that i am exited


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