HOLY CRAP! Biden MISTAKENLY walks family into TRAP | Exclusive with Alan Dershowitz



In other words, there will be zero accountability for an actual crime family that sold off this country.

Jan 6 has served 4 freakin years in prison.
Hunter not one lousy day!
Make that make sense!


  1. Regardless if the Biden Crime Family gets prosecuted or not for crimes committed against the American people, the Trump administration needs to fully disclose all of the corrupt dealings that the Biden family has been involved in. All Americans deserve to see just how corrupt these people were and how they compromised America’s security for political and financial gain. Do a timeline chart showing who, what, when and how much money exchanged hands in these complex bribery/kickback/money-laundering schemes. Show how many BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars FJB sent to various foreign sources in exchange for a kickback percentage to his family. America needs an accounting so this doesn’t happen again.

    • Totally agree! Don’t you think it would only be fair that the whole Biden family is “stripped of their wealth” and given back to the United States? What they’ve done is nothing short of treason….They’re traitors!
      These 2 black women who are suing Rudy Guilliani for “emotional distress” for everything the man has, even his “personal possessions and his homes” for “hurting the feelings” of the daughter to the tune of “hundreds of millions of dollars”!! No one was killed, or even injured &
      he could go to prison for the rest of his life!
      The whole Biden family is guilty of nothing but corruption for 4 years and should be charged with multiple counts of murder for the thousands who have died at the hands of drug dealers, fentynol, and innocent women who have been raped & murdered, thousands of missing kids & allowing 30 million illegals an “open door to America”, will most likely get off “Scott free”. Rudy’s case is “so over the top”, it’s disgusting! This woman doesn’t deserve $10.00….They just saw $ signs and they’re trying to take it to the bank”!!! Biden’s have nearly destroyed America…somethings very wrong with the system in this country. Praying Trump will get this case dismissed for Guilliani & put Biden’s family and “the Big Man” where they belong for the rest of their lives. They already have the “goods” on them so it “should” just be a matter of taking them to prison and throwing away the key!

    • Which Public Square? Everyone is going to want to claim rights to a front row seat.
      They should be ousted before January 20th. Biden/family/co-conspirators can still do a lot more damage before leaving office. This needs to be an emergency transfer of power.

      • It was on the radio just yesterday that the day after the election, Bribem gave another $10,000,000,000 to his friends in Iran. All of them should be performing on a scaffold by the Reflective Pond in the “District of Corruption” with the boss, “O’Kenyan, Mayjerka$$, Harris and many others. Charge admission. Proceeds to “Put America Back On Track” again program. These treasonous salapards have cost this countries lives, helping their friends with the sponsored invasion of our country, 400 dying a day from Chinese Fentanyl they are working with the Cartels of Mexico. American women raped, robbed and murdered. See Peter Schweitzer’s documentary: BLOOD MONEY

        • guns and the 2nd amendment are useless to a coward. Amerika is FULL of cowards, that are scared of the thugs, in gov’t. AND on the street. ignorance (don’t know) apathy (don’t care). will Jan. 20 ever get here?

  2. but, OBAMA is still controlling. He’s out there,
    in command, slyly doing his “end of the line damage” before he’s “finished”. He needs to be
    the first one taken away in cuffs. We’ll be lucky if the 3rd world war doesn’t hit in the next couple of weeks

  3. Joe Biden may have inadvertently done them all in. By pardoning Hunter with the 11 year time frame, he has voided any claim Hunter may have had under the Fifth Amendment for self-incrimination, since he is now immune from prosecution for any acts during that 11 year period. He can therefore be forced to testify as to all the aspects of the dealings with the Ukraine, China, Russia and anywhere else he functioned during that 11 year period. It could be that Joe Biden is hoisted by his own petard after all.


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