Gavin Is Done – State Farm’s ULTIMATUM To California Could End Newsom’s Presidential Hopes



I am so tired of all this BS in California!!!!!

People that never lived in Cali have no idea how amazing it was back in my day. (80s and 90s Bay Area) It really had a special energy and excitement no matter what we went thru. I hate being tribal, but Dems totally ruined it.


  1. The Democrats have destroyed California, the state, as they have destroyed every city they control. Do you really want to give them a chance to destroy America? Their corruption, socialist policies, and lawless enabling legal decisions are unacceptable. I do not understand how law abiding, educated people can vote for these criminals year after year and not see the destruction being created.

  2. I grew up in Walnut Creek and loved going to San Francisco to see the beauty of that city, the Giants, and the 49ers. Still root for the city and the teams while living in SoCal. CA now has about half of all homeless in the USA, and crime is rampant. I believe the state and many cities either do not report their true crime statistics (leaving out illegals crime stats appaently occurs in most blue states) or don’t report at all. The Dems have ruined our beautiful state in so many ways: San Francisco is the poster child for a now-filthy city, rampant crime, homelessness, and illegal immigrants. Thank you Dems.

  3. PG&E were NOT “left off the hook by the state of California”. California’s disastrous spate of wildfires particularly in the last 5 years were largely due to California’s failure/refusal to practice standard wildfire suppression measures – a cost the state happily ceased to incur (using the Spotted Owl as its excuse) back in the mid-1980’s. And that “saved” money went to… politically popular programs (i.e., “vote buying” – on account of Spotted Owls and ground squirrels and deer and the like don’t vote). Then, when the resultant accretion of fuel loads resulted in the monstrous wildfires of the last decade, the state blamed the power company, alleging failure to maintain their distribution lines. That, in turn, allowed the state to impose massive fines (multi-billions of dollars) on PG&E, money which could not then be used to fix and improve the supposedly ramshackle distribution system. And that money, too, went to pay for politically popular programs (i.e., more vote buying). And every year, that same scam has been repeated – fires, fines, and “free money” for the fueling of the spendthrift state. Oregon learned its lesson and has again started controlling fuel loads in our forests, but we are still stuck breathing California’s smoke and subsidizing their fire fighting efforts with our planes and water and money, lest we burn thanks to their incompetence and greed and graft. It ain’t “climate change” and it ain’t the electric company. It’s the California Democratic Party.

  4. PG&E spent its money on paying its executives many multi-millions of dollars rather than spending its vast sums on fire prevention and upgrading and improving its electrical system. Who runs electricity through a system that is sparking and causing fires without doing maintenance and repairs? Answer: PG&E. Remember, in the 1940s dams were built and power was created, the power being moved and delivered to towns and industry fueling California’s success. There are also directed energy weapons (DEW), and they were caught on film. There are also large numbers of arsonists, and they are not being prosecuted and locked up because California has so many criminals, it can no longer afford to imprison criminals. Yes, California is very dirty, filthy and corrupt. Law enforcement and prosecution needs to start working to correct the filth.

  5. Newscum should have listened to Trump, years ago. Trump told him to maintain the forests, to reduce the devastation from fires. Newscum blew him off. Demoncrats are way too stubborn. Now the citizens get to pay more to insure everything.


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