FINALLY! Alvin Braggs SECRET PUPPET MASTER revealed | Destroy TRUMP & USA!



Trump 2024 USA



    • No firing squad for Soros. He should be hung by the neck until he stops kicking. Many don’t know it but Soros is a Nazi. He watched his entire family loaded into boxcars in Hungary and shipped to a German concentration camp. He then immediately went to Germany and joined Hitler’s Nazi party. Is he now getting even for the U.S. beating Germany during WW2? Your damn right he is!

    • I can’t agree with you more. When he was naturalized as an American citizen, did anybody do a deep dive into his background. He should have either been arrested and deported to whatever hell hole would have him and now his money needs to be confiscated for illegally starting and paying for chaos and treason.

  1. WTF Biden state deparrtment gross human rights charges against Israel where are the charges againt humas baby killers and rapist??? Biden is not capable of being President look at the hate for the jews in the school systems that he has allowed Soros to fimnance Look at the money he has given to Iran and the money he has allowed to make selling their oil and lifting sanctions for a country that hates Jews and wants them destoyed. Thi is the obama kerry biden poicy they have created a war with there two face poicy that he can not control or now wants to. Another four years of turmoil anf hate towards the jews that biden policy has financed don’t think so….

    • From reports I’ve read, Soros has homes all over the world and nobody actually knows where he is. Like any other crook, he hides a lot. It would be interesting to know where he got so much money.

  2. Praying for Soros to die a horrible death, along with his son. They both have the blood of Satan running through their veins, I hope they meet their demise very soon, along with other liberal billionaires Gates, Bloomberg, Rockefellers, and many others who want to destroy our country. I would love to see our country strong and thriving again.

  3. Both George Soros and Bill Gates ought to be, at the very least, deported and banned from doing ANY business in the US. They serve as models of hatred and destruction of this country for whatever perverse reasons.

  4. “At least some of the protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month by M.O.R.E., to join the protests.
    The Ferguson riots cost the county $4.2 million.
    MORE is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, the Times notes, through his Open Society Foundations (OSF)”

    “Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.
    FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online.”

    “WHAT’S TRUE: A grantmaking network founded by George Soros provided funding to some groups that engaged in Ferguson-related protest activities.”-SNOPES

    “One of the two KAVANAUGH protesters who confronted Jeff Flake in the elevator is Ana Maria Archila, an executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD). The other protester, Maria Gallagher, is an activist with the group. The CPD is indeed heavily funded by George Soros through the Open Society Foundation.”

    “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” – George Soros

    “American supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today.” – George Soros

  5. George Soros is the real ‘Dr. Evil’. He has been actively financing and orchestrating the destruction of America for the last 20 years. He is the one who financed obama’s 2008 campaign then installed his minions into the ‘Deep State’ bureaucracy to speed up the process. Trump was an unexpected roadblock. That’s why they have spent so much time and money to get rid of him. Soros and the DNC worked to rig the 2020 election to get them back in power. Soros is financing almost everything that is anti-American. Time for him to stop breathing air.

  6. Tell me, when the Nazi’s were on trial and were hung for their war crimes, why wasn’t Soros chased down like the others and put on trial and convicted of “war crimes” like the others. He’s got dementia now and turned over everything to his son, but his son is now marching to the old Nazi party his father was in. Traitors need to be hung by the neck until dead and the crows peck at their useless bodies.


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