Fast Food Collapse Gets Worse! McDonalds Makes INSANE Desperate Change That Industry Will Follow



They're headed for a McCollapse

push the button if you're boycotting McDollars.


  1. So goes the country if an icon like McDonalds folds. Well, just another feather in the democrats’ hats, they want all to eat bugs and wear loin cloths, so it fits now doesn’t it.

  2. Yes, the graphic is correct. The increase from $1.00 to $2.99 is a 199% price increase.

    Here’s the maths: $2.99 – $1.00 = $1.99 INCREASE. $1.99/$1.00 = 199% increase, AND it’s 2.99 (i.e., nearly 3) TIMES the old price. Both statements are true.

  3. You people have short memories! Wasn’t it Trump that had a championship Team at the White House and served them McDonald’s? The Dems had nothing to do with the fall and inflation. Inflation started in 2019 and never got any better. Don’t forget that corporations control consumer prices and control what we pay. The Fed controls the interest rates and the system has contributed to the higher prices. Trump is not to blame and neither is Biden! The government does not control inflation!

  4. They can be a contributing factor. They are printing money like it is going out of style and expanding our debt. They are making it more expensive to do business with additional regulations- that is also a contributing factor. Today, Biden released some oil from our reserves-that might help deescalate the rise in the cost of gas which has doubled since he became president. So yes, Biden is to blame isn’t he.

  5. Put Bribem in the Ronald MacDonald suit and don’t pay him. Remember Trump was in the WH almost around the clock working and gave-up his pay-check.
    Bribem is almost never in the WH, and doesn’t work when he is there. He work’s against us. Most of the time he’s in Rehoboth. And he’s accepted every paycheck. Does he claim that cash from “The Brand”?

  6. Stupid Biden hates America this is why I voted for TRUMP America voted for this the demonrats loves illegals over American citizens and perverts look at who’s in charge the pervert administration with no qualifications but beeing perverts and stupid and I will not go out to eat if I can’t drink at least to sodas might as well make my own burgers they taste better anyway

  7. Seems as though you’ve all got it wrong. Take a real long good look at y’all’s Pope…yeah Francis. EVERYBODY thinks he’s gonna be the savior of the world, when in fact he’s the DOWNFALL of this Society. Pulling strings BEHIND the SCENES for satan, the Catholic churches influence. Yup, that’s right…the Antichrist spoken of in the Bible. The first BEAST in the book of Revelation. All ROADS lead to ROME. Just wait until he becomes the one world ruler, the one world religion, and the one world currency. Everyone thinks it’s Biden coming up with these Wicked, Demonic, Diabolical, orders, policies, calamities. Nope, Biden is just his puppet, like Francis is Satan’s puppet. But let’s look at the even bigger picture…JESUS IS SOON TO COME TO PUT AN END TO IT ALL. SATAN KNOWS HIS TIME IS RUNNING OUT.


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