Fani Willis PLAYS VICTIM Crying RACISM Over GOP Investigating Her For ABUSING Tax Payer Funds!



I love how it took this long for her to finally be exposed as being corrupt. Georgia has always been ridiculously corrupt.

Her career is over. A terrible example for young black women.


  1. I, Grampa and Americans are tired of the cry of racism for every problem these entilted blacks and any race of color. They have had more advantage than any black around the world.

    The opportunities were demanded by law. even then they fail. While I may not believe in any of the good books religons they have teachings that do apply. one as said that if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

    While many take the education and use it and prosper. Another wise saying also applies. you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink. sadly the later seems to apply more to the people of color. I grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in south west detroit. People of all nationalities, color and religion.

    We could go to bed with our front door open. the seniors could walk without fear of assault. So many had no jobs or temporary ones. My dad was one of the Luckey ones. he was a ditch digger for Wayne county drain commission. My mother sewed clothes to be handed down from not just from child to child but for neighbor children as well. all on a treddel singer machine.

    we had no phone, no TV, no carpets, no hot water tank, or microwave or car. What I had was parents that wouldnt let me say I CANT! I learned to be an electrician and retired as a master with my own company. yes I was white but the people correcting my tests didnt know.

    We see constant advertisement that government can solve all the problems. well I say government is the problem. I advertized for an employee for labor. I had a young man apply. the problem? he couldnt fill out the job application form. he looked stromg and my wife helped him with it. he was a hard worker and could do anything I showed him. my wife taught him to read and write. we enroled him in an aprenticeship program.

    Today he is a master with his own company. clearly he wasnt stupid. so why couldnt he read or write? he was a football star and they passed him in his classes so he could qualify for the team. They did him no favor. how many were not so lucky to find an employer that saw his potential.

    instead government tells them how special they are and their problems are the fault of the white mans enslaving them. there were as many if not more of my ancestors taken from the Welch, the Irish and Scot’s to be shipped to the colonies for servants and the mines. A few years ago

    I went back down into Detroit for to visit my old neighborhood. All I saw were bars on every window and door. many homes burned down including the one I grew up in. I saw no kids playing on the sidewalks like we did. we had one roller skate we shared with everyone. no one sitting on the porches.

    The corner stores where I had my first job was boarded up. no grass grew in front of the homes. I met my wife on Verner and Clark street fifty five years ago. now married for 54 years, marriage meant something then.

    Today a child may or may not know who the father is. Again gov. gave them child support, provided them with an apartment, and utilities. wouldn’t allow the father to live with them. Take the father out of a child’s life and the propensity to act violently is greater. Not always, for many women were strong enough. they still were at a disadvantage. I saw the decline of an entire race that lived for generations on welfare.

    They have been handed so many advantaged that have been squandered because the attitude that everything they failed at is someone else’s fault.

    Well it is partly right. government has done more harm than good. everything they do is solved by tossing money at it. when it doesn’t work they didn’t toss enough at it and toss more. I offer the Ukraine as example.

    Somehow politicians when elected become omnipotent, holding the wisdom of the world. Now dare to prosecute any who disagree with them.

    Well I grow weary and need a nap. It happens when you reach 80. I hope I haven’t offended too many.( not really) I told you all about my life because if I can succeed at life than anyone can. don’t use skin color as a crutch. You can do anything, don’t say I, CANT.———-I, Grampa


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