EXPOSED: Google’s Ties to the CIA and NSA



TUCKER = TRUTH. Blessings, from this old man in northeast Tennessee. It’s sadly amazing, how this information has been out there, and yet, WE THE PEOPLE never saw any danger or problems with this governmental overstepping. Now…the damage is done.

It’s disgusting. They censored the wrong information and wrong people! We The People are Pissed


  1. The CIA financed all of these Tech superstars, and used fake companies and DARPA to invest, really owning all of the technology and value and information “owned” by those companies, including Google, PayPal, Amazing, Facebook, etc., etc., etc. The CIA has had total access to everyone’s banking and personal information. Jeff Bezos’ mother’s father ran Atomic Energy Commission and helped set up DARPA. Who do you really think Zuck is? Elon? Then, kept the companies alive giving them huge government contracts. Amazon had not one single profit in its first ten years. How does any company survive with no profits?

  2. The CIA is strictly a World Government organization. It was originally started in 1943 by then president Franklin Roosevelt to spy on the Japanese and Germans. But all the CIA wanted to do was spy on American Citizens, so he disbanded in 1945 before the war was over. They were then restarted when Eisenhower was president. He was the first elected president since the World Government as we know it today was formed. They are enemies of the United States.
    On History TV, it said that they smuggle more hard drugs into this country than the Mafia and all the Cartels combined. They smuggled tons of Opiates into this country during Vietnam. They then started up more “Police Actions” in Central America. Once more the excuse of stopping Communism was used, just as in Vietnam. But, now they had their fingers into Cocaine, with the full backing of the Reagan administration. They set Noriega up in office to smuggle Cocaine into the United States from Columbia. The Cartels offered Noriega more money so he switched sides; it then cost the American people a billion or two dollars and a few lives to Noriega out of office.
    They now have us in Afghanistan and they have control of 97% of the worlds Opium Poppies, so how much trouble are the young people and the street people of America in? They, as a World Government Agency, are one of greatest enemies of the United Stated of America.


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