Dr. Phil: Vance vs. Walz – What Their Body Language Said During The Debate | Merit Street Media



How did America react to the debate? Watch the other part to this live broadcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBdBpxhy3ig

Walz looked terrified the entire time.


  1. Walz looks like a deceitful goon, but that’s not the reason to reject him. Reject him because he is a paid goon for Red China. He hates Americans so much he refused to go with his fellow guard members and do his duty yet he claims he did. Such lies. Walz has already sold America down the river. This VP thing is his payback for lying and harming America.

  2. Yes, Dr. Phil has squirmed his way up the MAGA swirl claiming to be an expert on every subject. I know him from many decades ago, and he is just an egotist. Definitely, not an expert. And, he is very mean.

      • And what difference does it make to you? She has her story and it’s personally hers. Now my opinion, for what it is, from old gangster movies, Dr Phil has small beady eyes that are far too close together and that was always a sure sign of a mean, tough bad guy!

  3. Walz was afraid because he is ignorant and not up to the job. Can you imagine if Harris gets elected and he ends up as pres. She is incompetent and he makes her look smart

    • just like Joe Obiden made barry boy obama look smart. Kumalot Harrass makes Joe Obiden look smart….. we are getting very close to the bottom of the gene pool. IT needs more chlorine. RED states STILL need to separate from this evil empire called Amerika

  4. 😮 wow 😮
    WALZ was Only TERRIBLEY TERRIFIED by the way that TRUMP and His Surrogate LIED about the War in the USA 🇺🇸 and how He was the only Person Who Could Save?? Americans 🇺🇸 from a Situation of A REAL DEMOCRACY by the Use of a HONEST Election Process THAT WAS NOT FOR HIM 👎👎✅

  5. Dr Phil has no credibility. Oprah is probably regretting him his show.
    This article is biased and based on one so called psychiatrists views not logic.
    Dr Phil drank the cool aid
    Please take me off your subscription. I keep trying and you keep sending me this uneducated bull.

    • I’m sorry. You didn’t mention where you got your medical degree with a PhD in psychiatry to be qualified to make that comment. Oh, I get it. You’re a Democrat and making stuff up and lying goes along with your DNA

  6. KEY POINT __> Walz asked JD Vance who won the settled and adjudecated 2020 election. – JD did not answer…

    NOTE – we Americans fought against KIng GEorge of England. WE DO NOT want another king to rule over us.


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