Please do some research, Electric vehicles do much more damage to our environment then a gas powered vehicle. Ask yourself how are the batteries made(what is the process) after the batteries are replaced which of course it will need to be (where do we put those old batteries?) I don’t know how old you are years ago YES the pollution from gas vehicles was really bad. However the process today is much more efficient,clean energy. With the issue of these electric vehicles catching fire and all the other problems and dangerous issues they cause is far more damaging to our environment. All I ever ask people to do is PLEASE do your research without prejudice. Not everyone can afford an electric vehicle our country doesn’t have the infrastructure for them. To add a charging port in your home is an extremely expensive process. If you truly believe in the Electric vehicle is the best option buy one some people have to see it for themselves.
Please do some research, Electric vehicles do much more damage to our environment then a gas powered vehicle. Ask yourself how are the batteries made(what is the process) after the batteries are replaced which of course it will need to be (where do we put those old batteries?) I don’t know how old you are years ago YES the pollution from gas vehicles was really bad. However the process today is much more efficient,clean energy. With the issue of these electric vehicles catching fire and all the other problems and dangerous issues they cause is far more damaging to our environment. All I ever ask people to do is PLEASE do your research without prejudice. Not everyone can afford an electric vehicle our country doesn’t have the infrastructure for them. To add a charging port in your home is an extremely expensive process. If you truly believe in the Electric vehicle is the best option buy one some people have to see it for themselves.
tell the Democrats that