Does This Teen Deserve Leniency After Beating His Teacher?


Prison Time for Florida Teen Who Beat Teacher Over Nintendo Switch: A ‘Death Sentence’ According to Tearful Mom.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, a Florida mother has revealed that her teenage son could potentially face a life-ruining prison sentence after attacking his teacher in defense of a Nintendo Switch. The mother, overcome with emotion and helplessness, described the prospect as nothing short of a “death sentence” for her child’s future.

The incident took place at an undisclosed middle school in Florida, where a 14-year-old student violently assaulted his teacher after being asked to hand over the popular gaming console. The teenager, who has not been named due to his age, lashed out in response to feeling disrespected and believing he was unfairly targeted.

Matt Walsh discusses this in the video below:


There are plenty of people who are autistic and don’t pose a danger to members of the public. The perpetrator is not one of those people. Has he shown any remorse for what he did to the victim?

By the mom asking the victim for mercy, she turns the VICTIM INTO THE BAD PERSON in all of this. How awful of her.


  1. I watch Animal Planet… They trained a couple of Gators to come up to feed and respond to the trainers.If they can do that then….. This animal could have been trained as well. He did not belong in normal classes if he was not. He almost killed a woman over NOTHING… Put his ass in a cage and keep it there. He is obviously not controllable and next time will do way worse. Sympathy for whom? The crazed, criminal , unevolved bottom feeders or the decent citizens who do nothing wrong?????? Lock it up.

  2. There’s always an excuse by the parent for bad behavior of their out of control children. Simple answer lack of good parenting skills. Parents fault more so than kids put her in jail too.


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