She totally deserves every bit of agony she goes through. I hope the problems do not end for years. I hope twenty years from now new gang members should up at her door looking to store cocaine and weapons at her house
Leftists / democrats are such stupid people they deserve every bit of pain they can have inflicted on them.
She is so stupid she will not learn anything from this and will still be voting for dmeocrats 40 years from now, if she survives the gang members.
Just dumb, every single time leftists are just dumb people.
By the way that pink hair really adds to that look of adult and responsible you are going for there mommy! Anyone bet she is living off welfare?
they deserve what they get,,but the whole Country will suffer. we will loose our Country and we will be under communism control
She looks like a dumb Libraturd with no BRAINS
She totally deserves every bit of agony she goes through. I hope the problems do not end for years. I hope twenty years from now new gang members should up at her door looking to store cocaine and weapons at her house
Leftists / democrats are such stupid people they deserve every bit of pain they can have inflicted on them.
She is so stupid she will not learn anything from this and will still be voting for dmeocrats 40 years from now, if she survives the gang members.
Just dumb, every single time leftists are just dumb people.
By the way that pink hair really adds to that look of adult and responsible you are going for there mommy! Anyone bet she is living off welfare?