That individual has Trump derangement in a bad way. Remember that those who are calling for violence should realize that nearly all of them are untrained to violence. People who ARE trained to violence are trained to prudent restraint as fundamental part of the training. The federal government has devolved into a cabal of self serving PARASITES to a large degree. The Democrats stand for waste, fraud and legal abuse. I left the Democrat party 30+ years ago, or more accurately it left me. I do NOT listen to them any more. I OWE THEM NOTHING.
That individual has Trump derangement in a bad way. Remember that those who are calling for violence should realize that nearly all of them are untrained to violence. People who ARE trained to violence are trained to prudent restraint as fundamental part of the training. The federal government has devolved into a cabal of self serving PARASITES to a large degree. The Democrats stand for waste, fraud and legal abuse. I left the Democrat party 30+ years ago, or more accurately it left me. I do NOT listen to them any more. I OWE THEM NOTHING.