Gavin newson is exactly what a democrats politician is. he is an exact reflection of jay inslee, biden, whitmer and so many others. they are al criminals.
“A newly opened high-rise residential tower, designed specifically for the homeless in downtown Los Angeles, has cost taxpayers an astonishing $600,000 per unit.”
“Voters were promised that the bullet train would be operating between Los Angeles and San Francisco by 2020 at a cost of $33 billion. Today, the estimated cost is $100 billion with no set completion date.”
“Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing criticism after he announced the budget deficit is actually $7 billion worse than his initial projections, bringing the total shortfall to nearly $74 billion.”
“California used wrong methodology in accounting for nearly $53 million in Medicaid benefits for – as the audit put it – “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status.”-Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General’
“The state will have the distinction of having the highest taxes in the nation in the following categories: Highest income tax rate; highest state sales tax rate; highest vehicle tax; and the highest gas tax (and that doesn’t even include the added costs of cap-and-trade regulation. A recent ballot initiative, Prop. 6, to rescind this tax-and-spend over reach was voted down by the feckless voters.”
I have lived in CA for 70 years and have seen first hand how Democrats have attacked businesses, increased taxes, recklessly spent tax dollars on stupid ideas, now CA Gov. has a budget deficit of about 75 Billion, Newsom wants to raise taxes more, and spend more money on illegals. CA is doomed under Democrat rule.
Stop voting for Demoncrats. If you still have any friends, tell them to stop voting for Demoncrats too. You will sleep better at night and pay less taxes.
Dear Californians: HOW did you ever elect the biggest liar in Washington, Adam Schiff (Centured member of Congress) and just now re-elect him to the Senate? No wonder all the people with working brains are leaving! But when you do leave, don’t ever again vote for lying Democrats. The downfall of America.
democRAT’s always go for the worst spending, more wars, and communist agenda’s,…. At least since Eisenhower days
Never elect a democrat for a position of responsibility, since everything they touch it becomes shit.
Gavin Newscum Crappy Governor and that moron wants to President, he Fup Calif. and now he want to Fup the other 49 States.
Gavin newson is exactly what a democrats politician is. he is an exact reflection of jay inslee, biden, whitmer and so many others. they are al criminals.
He’s a vampire POS, and needs to be out of California and out of politics all together. He’s bad news
“A newly opened high-rise residential tower, designed specifically for the homeless in downtown Los Angeles, has cost taxpayers an astonishing $600,000 per unit.”
“Voters were promised that the bullet train would be operating between Los Angeles and San Francisco by 2020 at a cost of $33 billion. Today, the estimated cost is $100 billion with no set completion date.”
“Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing criticism after he announced the budget deficit is actually $7 billion worse than his initial projections, bringing the total shortfall to nearly $74 billion.”
“California used wrong methodology in accounting for nearly $53 million in Medicaid benefits for – as the audit put it – “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status.”-Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General’
“The state will have the distinction of having the highest taxes in the nation in the following categories: Highest income tax rate; highest state sales tax rate; highest vehicle tax; and the highest gas tax (and that doesn’t even include the added costs of cap-and-trade regulation. A recent ballot initiative, Prop. 6, to rescind this tax-and-spend over reach was voted down by the feckless voters.”
I have lived in CA for 70 years and have seen first hand how Democrats have attacked businesses, increased taxes, recklessly spent tax dollars on stupid ideas, now CA Gov. has a budget deficit of about 75 Billion, Newsom wants to raise taxes more, and spend more money on illegals. CA is doomed under Democrat rule.
Stop voting for Demoncrats. If you still have any friends, tell them to stop voting for Demoncrats too. You will sleep better at night and pay less taxes.
Hang this bastard. You can tell he’s related to Drunkard, Nasty Piglousy, the lowlife bitch!!!
Dear Californians: HOW did you ever elect the biggest liar in Washington, Adam Schiff (Centured member of Congress) and just now re-elect him to the Senate? No wonder all the people with working brains are leaving! But when you do leave, don’t ever again vote for lying Democrats. The downfall of America.
New-scum is a DREAMER, LOL!!!