Cop Uses Unbelievable Maneuver to Stop Motorcyclist



This wasn’t lack of training. That was intentional

If we are going to allow public servants to unionize against the citizenry, then we must DEMAND that settlements for misconduct be paid from their pension fund and not public coffers.


  1. How wonderful, we now have Soros purchasing radio stations. I believe he must own ever tv station in America now. The Democrats have done a marvelous job trying to use their propaganda on the U.S. I never thought I would live to see long enough to see the communism spread in America, but we are caught in it now.

  2. I didn’t see any brake lights on the police car. This maneuver could have killed the motorcyclist (assuming that it didn’t). I can’t imagine any reason to justify this type of behavior. Thumbs up to the viewer who suggested that personal injury claims like this be paid from the police pension fund rather than from taxpayers.

  3. Exactly what was this biker’s crime? The cop wasn’t chasing him, and he wasn’t running with his lights or siren on. In fact he sped ahead of the biker before turning on his lights and the braking suddenly. This deserves a lawsuit with a huge payout!

    And to the two ,m0r0ns who are narrating this video and think it is funny, you are a major part of the problem. Our law enforcement are doing this crap all over this nation and not being held responsible.

  4. there were no break lights on that cop car. that cop slammed into low and hit the emergency brake. his emergency lights are unimportant as the biker was behind him and would have expected the cop to speed away.

    The cop is guilty of reckless driving and at least attempted murder.

    this is why people say: “defund the police.”


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