CONFIRMED! Illegals Are Registered To Vote in America | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris



How many people are truly fed up with our current government?

Wouldn’t this be considered FOREIGN INTERFERENCE?!?


  1. Slavery has returned to America and it is brought back by the Democratic Party. Congratulations to all who have no clue about the history of this party. It was started by slave owners in 1828. Back then they forced people to work, but that definition has changed to forcing people not to work. Their motto should be “vote for me and I will give it to you for free”, but first I have to take it from those who are working. Wake up America before we follow ancient Rome into the same toilet!

  2. Cheap Labor. I’ve seen a number of Breeders, Illegals who have already given birth to 4 children in the past 3.8 years, and are currently pregnant. Their only purpose is to keep giving birth. How do the Evangelicals and Catholics feel about this? They are the ones who prevented education for females and eliminated all birth control options. We have them to thank for the trillions of dollars that will be spent to house, feed, educate and assist the millions of Illegals. Then, there’s the child trafficking that even the Biden-Harris administration have admitted paying for. Yes, millions of Illegals/children transported all over America. Without Epstein and Diddy to host their parties, where will these children go? Are they the fuel for the Adrenochrome substances the Elite need to stay young and fit? Whatever happened to good, honorable decent families? Sadly, too many have other Agenda.

    • I am not quite sure what side of the aisle you are actually on. You start out with the leftist view and blame the religious right when it is a fact that the Biden/Harris administration that opened our borders and let in all these illegal invaders and there are still birth control options available to females,depending on state laws. The federal gov’t is no longer in charge to allow unlimited abortions,apparently the supreme court feels that late term and full term abortions are murder,so do I

  3. HeelsUpHarris, a DEI hire who SUCKED her way to the top, ALL SHE CAN DO IS LIE and talk about President Trump. She has NOTHING, ZERO accomplishments she can promote! COMPLETE FAILURE! I voted #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica TODAY!

  4. Illegals registered to vote pure treason from this government. They don’t care what they do to destroy the citizens of this country. They are already pissing on the Constitution.


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