Clinton’s and Obama’s MESSED UP ! Trump team confirms its all TRUE!


TOP COMMENTS FROM VIDEO BELOW Kash Patel and Stephen Gardner expose the elites secretly running the country. They hate Trump and fear he will hold them accountable for their many crimes. The swamp is deep and real and Trump’s round 2 team will be bigger and better.

Yes the border! She has done nothing about the border.


  1. Enjoyable for me to see the Democrats’ distress. I have no sympathy for the party or Biden. I’d like to see them all go down in flames. However, they are a most deceitful, dishonest, lying group so I’m sure they’ll attempt some nefarious scheme.

  2. Still pretty sad CNN, MSNBC, The View, all are still in La La La Land. Biden and his Socialist, Communist, Wannabe’s. Still think Trump is close to Hitler or some other Dictator. He put America First. Held other countries accountable. Supported the Police, Firefighters, and Military. The border was not perfect. But this disaster, self inflicted by Biden and his half wit staff, are incompetent and clueless. None of them can figure out crime, a balanced budget, how not to uncontrollably spend, what priorities are, that Iran, Hamas, and other terrorist places and groups, hate America, and do not send them money. Stupid. That January 6 was not Trump’s fault. That there was voter fraud in the 2020 Election. Washington D.C. removed 65,544 outdated names from voting rolls, promised to remove another 37,962, and designated another 73,522 as inactive. Some jurisdictions report few or none. One state or area. These NVRA policies are supposed to be done. At least every two years. By law. There are other states. So much for the most secure election in history. The no ID, days on end of counting, and the facts shown above is not upending voting rights. It’s called procedure. This Democratic Party needs to stop lying. Some Republicans need to get there brains out of their behinds. Fortunately, Judicial Watch, and others are exposing the coverups. Covid lies are also coming forward. Dr. Fauci. Lied. The First News and NewsMax are showing the facts. Mainstream Media may actually start reporting facts. Did I actually say that?

  3. Trump needs to surround himself with people who are not afraid or feel untimidated by the other party and drain the swamp. Too many skeltons and live critters who will comtinue destruction if not removed once and for all.

    • Agreed. Vance is a tough cookie and Dan Bongino would be great as the head of the Secret Service (I won’t use the term SS as some do because it reminds me of Hitler). The more powerful these people are the more we drive the democrats back into their dark holes to die.


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