California will NEVER recover from this stupidity…



They don’t even arrest illegal migrants for DUI. I know an illegal migrant here in my hometown who had an accident while DUI, no license, no registration, no insurance, and they did nothing. They let him go. But if that were any U.S. citizen, they would be locked up right now. How is that ok or makes any sense?

We cannot arrest and prosecute our way out of it. Interestingly enough – the IRS doesn’t seem to hold this viewpoint.


  1. I left CA in 1994 due to the high cost of living back then. CA today is unrecognizable. Other than family and friends that still live there, I miss absolutely zero. Even the beaches are ruined. This is what the woke want for the entire country. They don’t see beauty and goodness in anything and, if they do, it will be on their list for destruction. Thank God I’m in a red state!

  2. california has been turned into a shithole. they have over 30% retail space vacancy. that is depression era numbers.

    they have vagrants everywhere.

    It is not safe to walk aroudn alone for anyone and women cannot carry purses anymore due to the crime.

    they have a team of government workings in an francisco, Sacramento, and LA whose job it is to clean the human waste off the streets and sidewalks. they literally have a poop reporting system and automated map telling the poop patrol where to go to collect the poop.

    California is hell and it is a democrat utopia.

    One of these days some criminal is goign to steal newsoms’ fake teeth right out of his mouth and sell them on facebook market place.

    Stop calling them migrants. Always changing language. Migrants implies a peaceful group of agri-pickers moving seasonally from place to place to earn a living.

    Illegal Aliens come first illegally into our country, then illegally tapping into our resources and enjoying the fruits of America’s labor! Finally causing unprecedented crime and disrespect for America and all her values!

  4. Too bad these people pissing and shitting in the streets can’t go to Newsom and Pelosi’s, Maxine Waters, Hollywood jackasses houses and use their property as a toilet. Because of these asshole liberals they have security to make sure their property and themselves are protected. Sure would love to see the reaction!

  5. The hardworking, decent people of California I feel very bad for you. I just can’t believe all of you can’t vote these vile people out of office! Must be hard to get them voted out when you have a crooked system. Blessings to you all to hopefully succeed soon.

  6. I 100% agree with this video. I am reposting this to my FB page. I live in Los Angeles City/County and even my Democratic sister voted against Gascon and Bass (she has TDS though as most do).

    The anti-Barrett article, NOT, because the analysis is flawed on a constitutional basis (read my comments there-I have multiple BAs from UCLA in political science and history from the 70s, a law degree and an MPA degree with two libraries of 3000 books). The journalist is not as well informed as I am on the law.

  7. California is a prefect example of a democrat Utopia.

    this is what the Democrats want the entire country to be like. Only they want to take away all your guns and defund the police so that you have zero protection.

    If you vote, support, defend, donate to democrats you should be require to keep all doors and windows unlocked and put a gun free zone sign up in you yard.

  8. Bye Bye Denny’s……….

    I’d sure like to put a Grand Slam on Newsom’s head with a heavy slugger bat.

    But not until I put him through a month’s worth of medieval tortures, with medical attentions to prevent him escaping too quickly to hell.

  9. Ok … first look at who your talking about. The democrats are running your state. They don’t care, it’s all about votes in 2024. After that elections it will only get worse. The democrats aren’t going to take care of the illegals. you will have to deal with them in your blue state. They will keep the illegals in your neighborhood, not theirs. Guess you didn’t understand that when they shipped the illegals out of Martha Vineyard in 24 hours to the poorer neighborhoods. They didn’t want them in their back yards. Get used to the crime and destruction of your neighborhoods cause of the illegals you now gave to support.


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