Byron Donalds: This is the beginning of the end of Kamala Harris’ campaign



Un burdened by what has been is also a straight Marxist quote.

Save your country do not vote Democrat for any office anywhere at any time


  1. Yup is was all balloons, parades, Joy, and smiles until Harris and Walz had to start talking.

    First there were the questioning looks with the smiles.

    then there was the: “oh she is just saying stuff to get election” week.

    then there was the ” oh crap she actually said that!” week

    Then the highly edited interview that still went south.

    then the debate demands for notes, chairs, earbuds, and her own staff to mute microphones. all declined by CNN, ABC and Trump.

    Now everyone is adding of the cost of the few policy statements she has made and the resulting answer is “ooooh shit!” Depression here we come.

    Now it is on to the debates and most people believe they already know how cackle the clown and word salad sally are going to appear. The democrats are asking doctors which mix of drugs do we give harris to not have either cackles or sally show up and still have her cognitively alert?

    They tried cranking back up Jack Smith. Everyone has pretty much agreed that jack Smith is the apex of the democrats corruption and sleazy law fare attacks on trump. jack Smith now has zero impact on peoples opinion. Fanni Willis’ cases are getting the boot just like smiths other cases did. The new york cases do not even want to be in the press anymore because they knwo the appeals court is going to toss both of them.

    By the end of next week the only thing that will still be working for the democrats is the soros social media troll network and even they are being blasted at every turn.

    In three week harris will have suffered two horrible debate. Lying Walz will have been nailed to a cross in his debates with JD Vance. The independents and moderate democrats will either be voting for trump or not voting at all.

    Harris is quickly moving back to the 25% base core of the democrat party that has no clue why they vote D they just vote D.


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