BREAKING: Watch This Voter Try To Pick Trump And You Won’t Believe What The Machine Does Instead!



They are cheating again! But God is still sovereign!

She needs to be in prison !


  1. They are commies and will stop at nothing to assure the cackler gets more votes by cheating grossly. This time, we better be prepared to fight and win or contest the election to save our country from commies

  2. Thanks, Gary! There should be absolutely no errors with respect to the way votes are made and counted. Billions of been spent. None of these election officials is actually knowledgeable. If there is even one voter who is unable to vote for the candidate of their choice because the machine won’t acknowledge the vote, then the entire machine must be replaced. On Gary’s podcast, he highlights dozens of voting errors and problems. This is not OK and demonstrates the machines are intended to steal and defraud. As Gary points out, the analog system worked, and it cost literally nothing to run. The electronic voting costs billions and does not work because it isn’t meant to work. You cannot steal votes if it works. The old videos of politicians complaining about the problem is all the proof you need to know for why the “FIX” was made.

  3. Didn’t we learn anything from the 2020 election? With exception of legitimate absentee ballots, all mail-in voting must cease. It is wide open for fraud. Common sense should tell us that. Additionally, electronic voting machines can be readily manipulated as evidence shows, and has shown. Returning to non-electronic machines, voting should be done in person with valid ID and proof of citizenship.

  4. Dom,
    Wholeheartedly agree. Didn’t FOX pay a huge sum before going to court claiming the machines were rigged? But they were told if they went to court, they wouldn’t be able to prove the truth. Best bet, pay us 1/2 of what we are going after in court, “and will get”. FOX realized hoe corrupt our courts are, (recently proven by Trump’s lawyers and VRINGO vs IP Internet infringement lawsuit) show how corrupt they are. They payed up, didn’t go into the court, and I believe a side-deal that made them let Tucker Carlson go to the unemployment line. Written ballots and no absentee should be the only votes. If you don’t have a registration card with photo I.D., “again” no vote.

  5. Same thing happened is Bluffton, SC
    Machine jumped right to Democrat even though Republic was pressed
    It was reported to the Board of Elections

  6. I say Fu—- k that it’s never too late to make sure your vote your voice matters and is if we’re going to remain America 🇺🇸 and not a communist country. Recount and make it right??????????


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