BREAKING: Trump Just Gave Ron Paul The One Thing The Federal Reserve Feared Most For 30 Years



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Trump, Vance, RFK, Tulsi, Musk. and Ron Paul. That’s six presidents all in one administration.


  1. I hope these fabulous folks cut the governemtn employment by 60% and cut regulations by 70%.

    then i want them to arrest every democrat governor, judge and prosecutor who gets in the way of deportations. Charge them with aiding ans abetting criminals, obstruction of justice, treason for aiding an invasion, and insurrection. hold them all in prison for 2 years before bringing them to trial.

  2. Let me see, is the bridge to high to jump off? Some will be absolutely positive that it is. They are the ones that can’t decide white bread or brown bread at the grocery store.
    If you just take a moment from “today’s chaos” corporate driven. Really think and listen to what is about to be proposed you will be amazed at yourself for finally making a life changing decision.
    Be Smart!

  3. We are soooooo in need of change. Our country has got to drop back and get us ALL the change to give us freedom , prosperity and a great new freedom. The country has to change to be able to continue as a nation.

  4. The Upper class has weaponized the Lower class to bleed out the middle class. Then the lower class realized that they have been played into failing to represent their own best interests. Let the rule of Constitutional law fall upon those that have corrupted our government for generations. Selling out the country’s interests to Black Rock, Vanguard, State street et al to attack us from within is every bit as much Treason as selling Us out to the Chinese to attack us from without.

  5. We need an attorney general who will charge this administration with treason …when government doesn’t protect the border or the citizens of America..that is breaking the main law of any country..which is treason in its highest form one country in the world that allows such an act of treason..not one..the democrats say the law is broken..well..they broke let’s do something about it or it will happen again


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