BREAKING: Gavin Newsom JUST ANGERED 91 million Americans!



All Americans should stop paying taxes.

I’m 74 and this world can’t handle much more of this stuff. I pray that Donald J Trump wins the election


  1. Let’s just face it folks, if she’s elected, she’ll POOP on America as she’s done in the past with “Sleepy Poops Joe”. It’s been a messy 4 years! It’ll be an extremely messy, expensive 4 more years for ALL if she wins! TRUMP/VANCE 2024 Made in America. Time to clean it up!

    • It’ll be the end of America as we know it, which is probably inevitable at this point anyway, given where we are. Putting Harris in would only accelerate the process, whereas getting Trump in buys us a little more time.

  2. People are voting for her because they hate Donald Trump. Many women are voting for her because Donald Trump took $55 Million dollars in exchange for being complicit in the destruction of Roe v. Wade and the only Constitutionally protected rights women had, other than the 19th amendment to vote, for all that voting entails. Donald and his VP selection have made it clear how much they disparage and despise females, so don’t be surprised when Trump loses. Vance is truly scary.

    • Where did you get that $55M piece of disinformation???? Let me guess,,the biased media!!! But, putting that aside there are bigger and more important issues at hand than abortion. This country has been terribly managed under this administration for the last four years and we will not be able to survive another four. Voting on just one issue is foolish and not very smart. We are broke period and we cannot afford to be the keeper of the millions storming our borders and the economic harm it is doing to American families both yours and mine. Plain and simple the foremost job of government is to protect American citizens and this administration has failed miserably at that. Our taxes are to provide for our own and if we can’t afford to do that then we cannot afford to do if for others.

      • I agree–what $55 million? Also, abortion is not being prohibited; overturning Roe v Wade only transferred the control of abortion from the federal government to the states. Now each state gets to decide how they want to handle that issue.

      • The political left isn’t mismanaging ANYTHING, Barbara. You have to stop thinking this way. This is all DELIBERATE and well thought out. What you need to realize is that these people are Marxist and hate America and, therefore, aren’t trying to do what’s good for America; they are trying to destroy it from within. Once you grasp this point, all their policy initiatives, going back over 110 years, will make perfect sense.

    • Boy you must have OD’d on the Kool-Aid. That’s the biggest BS story that I’ve heard so far. Exactly what $55 million are you talking about? Back up your words with facts and not quotes from the Lame Stream Media. If you think that our country is better off under Biden/Harris these last 3 1/2 years than it was during Trump’s 4 years in office, you must have been and still are in a coma. I would say that you need to wake up but it’s apparent that you’re already WOKE and it’s too late. Trump/Vance 2024.

    • Go back to Start, plz. All this stone throwing has no result. The facts are, we are currently under military control, there is covert worldwide war against satanist cabal, deep state, Many countries involved. MSM is owned and operated..even publishing.
      Military Laws and Orders. Trump was asked to run by white hat military (good guys) cuz America goin down w infiltration
      At trumps inauguration he had JAG and Mil Intelligence behind him (historical) We Are Giving America Back To YOU the PEOPLE “!
      ( Brandon’s inauguration was not legit timelyand his 21 gun salute in cemetary. We are watching a movie play out…

    • Where is your proof for any of that mess? And, no, I don’t count CNN and MSNBC talking points as proof. You probably still think the whole Russian collusion garbage and all the phony impeachments and indictments aren’t in the least bit politically motivated.

      And what is it with you clowns and your obsession with killing unborn children? Or sending perverts into our schools to indoctrinate our kids? Or letting crime run rampant in our cities? Or not being able to define what a woman is? Or refusing to enforce our immigration laws and letting 12k to 15k illegals just walk into our country every day unvetted, bringing diseases, deadly drugs, human trafficking, gang violence, and terrorism.

      You people aren’t just wrong, you’re literally SICK if you believe all this garbage is somehow good for America.

      Yeah, if you get your way, you’ll get rid of Trump, but it’ll be at the cost of our own country. That government education obviously hasn’t done you much good.

    • Why did you come here, given that you have ZERO interest in having a discussion about anything? You just post misinformation and then disappear with the classic hit and run. Then again, debate and rational thought aren’t exactly a left wing strong point.

  3. Just helped our son buy a house here in California. Took three of us for the loan with all of us working. Used 401k and savings for $100,000 down. 7% interest. Struggled to find inflated homeowners insurance. Six generations of California born. Never got anything free no ebt no welfare nada. This almost seems made up or a fever dream I’m glad my grandparents aren’t around to see this poop show. They didn’t fight in WW2 and Korea for this America. My Dad and uncles fought in Vietnam. My brother in law has ptsd from being in Desert Storm. It’s sad sick and embarrassing what our country has become. Thank you for getting this message out there.

    • Please know, we are in historical biblical times
      It’s gonna get better PDQ..Nov 5
      Much goin down in between
      Beachbroadcast w Santa surfing positive news and truth. We the people are the news going forward..real eyes realize Real lies.
      Idiot box aka TV, is not healthy

    • I can tell that you and your family surely are a long line of patriots, people who love this country. I think your part of the country is probably lost to the Marxists at this point, and it’s not gonna come back. Maybe you should come to the southeast, where we haven’t all been given over to this garbage. In any case, best of luck out there. It’s a tough place to call home these days, that’s for sure.

  4. And the clown show continues unfortunately. and the biggest clown, gruesome newsom. Can anybody with half a brain or even mentally challenged believe this idiot wants to run for president? And the S**T show continues. I’ve got his campaign slogan all ready: hi i’m gavin newsom, the governor of California and i’m running for president of this great country. if you want America to be, look and smell like California, i’d appreciate your votes and support. This should sink this no good bastards campaign like a Titanic sized iceberg. The scary and downright unbelievable thing, there are idiots who would waste their vote on this worthless POS and destroyer of the former golden state now only golden in the piss and S**T littering and stinking up the streets, sidewalks and city parks of San Francisco ( the city newsom destroyed with his ‘sanctuary city’ declaration as mayor) that some neighborhoods reek and look like calcutta and port au prince and resemble a war zone like beruit. God help America if this idiot gets nominated and elected. Pretty much the same can be said about ‘heels up’ harris as well. Who in their right mind wants this S**T for America?

  5. The Marxists want this for America. You have to realize, this is all intentional and thought out, going back over 110 years. The problem most conservatives have is assuming that the political left is just wrong and misguided. They are already five steps ahead of most conservatives in this.

    If you want to know means to their approach, it’s the radical environmental movement and social justice movement that began in the 60’s (sound familiar?).
    It’s also the tactics of Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven – create confusion, chaos, and fear by overwhelming the various systems, so that the citizenry will relinquish its liberty for safety.

    An enemy can’t be fought if you don’t know its true identity.


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