BREAKING: Biden HUMILIATES Himself and America at D-Day 80th Anniversary Ceremony!



Shame on anyone who’s even thinking of voting for this man, put your family , country and common sense first. Trump 2024

America simply cannot handle four more years of Biden. Trump 2024!


    • Paul Gaudio, You and people like you have your head up Biden’s ass. Biden took the oath of office to protect our country from enemies foreign and domestic in which case he has FAILED. As far as many millions of people in America feel HE IS OUR ENEMY because he only cares about himself. Our country is in turmoil BECAUSE OF BIDEN, he accomplished NOTHING for our country only for himself. Pull your head out of his ass and get some needed fresh air, you are a complete waste of space. President Trump didn’t even accept his salary when he was our president, could you say the same for Biden? Plus the shady dealings Biden and his family were in with are covered by the DOJ because they all have their hands in the cookie jar. The Biden’s are and always have been crooked and corrupt, and it’ll take time for it to be proven but as like we have seen THE SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN EVENTUALLY.

  1. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for not only putting this man out there but voting for him and lying to the public. But they’re getting their wish the country is in turmoil because of them and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. Pity the people they work for cannot say the same.

  2. Paulie, you must live in your mom’s basement. You be able to get out and enjoy life after Trump is elected the TRUE President of The United States of America, since the last president one a rigged!

  3. Trump Biden and knows who are given limited power by we the people and we the people need to take an interest in what their government is doing

  4. TDS is such a travesty. Like Bob taking I’m assuming ordinary people and paralyzing their ability to reason. The media by amplifying any lie against Trump for those years with emotional pedal to the metal and amping up Biden’s made up dreams of grandeur. So hard for the rest of us Americans to understand TDS. I wonder if they ever come out of it or is it like brainwashing permanent life delusions? It’s almost gaslighting. Now you can understand how the German people turned on millions of their neighbors overnight with horrific consequences. History will not be kind to these TDS bullies.

  5. What a pathetic,sick,evil,disgraceful,pos.We can’t let this mentally unfit,embarrassment,continue to lead us into oblivion,and destruction of america.He is bumbling,babbling,incoherant,egotistical,arrogant failure,and criminal,with his criminal,cartel family.Investigate the entire hidenbiden crime. family


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