BOOM! We Found the Smoking Gun in Biden’s Debate Disaster You Need to See This – The Swap is On!



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It doesn’t matter what the Democrats Do I’m still Voting for President Trump!! TRUMP 2024!!


  1. Most democrat elites who put Biden in the White House knew back in 2020 that he was having cognitive problems. They WANTED a puppet then. It is coming back to bite them in their privates now and I couldn’t be happier. Having said that, I still blame Pence for not choosing the alternate electors put in place by the states’ respective legislatures instead of the fake ones nominated by the democrat secretaries of state when that person(s) knowingly committed voter fraud. He could have done so Constitutionally and didn’t. These last four years is mostly on Pence.

  2. everything the democrats due is corrupt.

    No matter who they bring in to replace biden you have to remember that a month ago they all say biden was prefect.

    Who ever they bring in they will be lying about.

  3. Biden is a disaster, totally incompetent and unfit for any elected office. The real issue is not necessarily Biden but is the Democrat platform and Leftist ideology that is being forced onto our citizens. Biden is a puppet, manipulated by Obama and the Leftist power structure. We can’t afford to have ANY Democrat in the White House (or any office for that matter) regardless of who their nominee is. That party is intent on the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

    • Forced??? He was voted in by “your” citizens. And, don’t even “go there” with the fraud talk. MAN UP! Go to Ballotpedia and find out how whoever you think is fit, has voted on legislation. DON’T ASK YOUR NON-READING FRIEND.

  4. No matter what the demonrat party decide to do demonrats have still the same shit hole policy america last

  5. President Trump continued to show Biden with respect through out this debate which must have been hard with Biden’s rambling then his wife followed the debate with such embarrassment for her husband!!! Biden is the worst thing that could have happened to America!!! The democrats have a job to do now do it!!

  6. Why in the world would anyone (other than illegal migrants & the power elite) want to vote for a Democrat? They are traitors to our republic, habitual liars & evil to the core.

  7. The American people know what is going on with the Democrats we know that Biden is senile and the Government is against us. Corruption and Lies and Violence is a way of life for Democrats some people have to wake up to the Truth.

  8. It is really too bad that the mainstream media cannot be removed right now. They do nothing but spread propaganda and never report real news-just to divide us all and influence public opinion about the events they lie about 24/7. This will all continue until there is an event of some sort….


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