Dude with the 40 hour a week job… He is absolutely 100% on point with what he’s saying. FJB
If black Americans would vote overwhelmingly conservative, everyone’s lives would change dramatically for the better in a very short time.
Bet you voted Democrat for the past 10 years – Right?
Destroying America IS the plan. The END of ALL of OUR communities IS the plan. They’re calling it the “Great RESET.” What WAS the GREATEST NATION ON THE PLANET is being turned into the global litterbox where EVERY OTHER COUNTRY is suddenly allowed to drop off their SH*T. If America is turned to sh*t, then the rest of the world won’t hate us for being GREAT. We’ll be lazy, stupid piles of SH*T just like the other countries.
And removing the waste in humans that live off others is a typical move by the commies. Every commie country has done it.
When will people learn(african=american hispanics) that the dumbocraps are your nightmare,when have they helped u?, that’s right never. All they want is your vote to keep u on the planation of poverty,wake up,before these commies put our nation in complete unrepair, poverty with this invasion.We need to irradicate the enemy,the liberal,progressive,socialist,marxist,dumbocrap,commie party,that just wants to destroy babies,that’s what thay live for.that’s their goal for the new year,to run on abortion,how intelligent,good luck with that.