I didn’t know Israel was in a war in 1958. Does stupid old senile poopypants Joe even have any idea who his father is? Or is he like Oboob, whose your daddy? Oboob only claims his dad was from Kenya, but his mom was fucking a black panther in Chicago and he looks more like Oboob than the guy from Kenya. Joe as a similar problem, but maybe 60 different men could’ve been his daddy.
I didn’t know Israel was in a war in 1958. Does stupid old senile poopypants Joe even have any idea who his father is? Or is he like Oboob, whose your daddy? Oboob only claims his dad was from Kenya, but his mom was fucking a black panther in Chicago and he looks more like Oboob than the guy from Kenya. Joe as a similar problem, but maybe 60 different men could’ve been his daddy.