Biden makes FATAL MOVE White House Now Has To Cover Up!



Lavern Spicer and Stephen Gardner discuss the damage the democrat party has done to the black community and America in general.
– **Lavern Spicer:** Candidate for Congress in Florida.
– **Trump’s Criticism of Fox News:** Trump’s comments on Fox News losing trust due to Paul Ryan, and Lavern Spicer’s thoughts on this.
– **Trump’s Popularity with Black and Latino Communities:** Discussing Trump’s strong support in diverse communities like the Bronx, Detroit, and Chicago.
– **Biden’s Health and Media Coverage:** Biden’s health issues and mainstream media’s claims of Republican deep fakes; Lavern Spicer’s take on this.
– **Government Inefficiency:** Critiquing government spending on high-speed internet and EV charging stations with little to show for it.
– **Impact of Illegal Immigration on Black Workers:** Trump’s concerns about illegal immigration affecting Black American workers and whether he cares about this community.
– **Support for Lavern Spicer’s Campaign:** How to learn about and support Lavern Spicer’s congressional campaign.

I’m voting for the man who gave up his wealth for our country,
not for the man who gave up our country for his wealth!


  1. PAUL RYAN is an inbred wimp of a man from Wisconsin. He was part of the problem in the Wash,DC Swamp, never part of the solution.

    This guy is a punk, a little push around bitch for the Democrats. He wants to be liked, not represent the American People.

  2. Paul Ryan stands against anything conservative or Christian. While at Miami Universal he was known to frequent gay bars and strip clubs in the Hamilton/Cincinnati area south of Oxford. Whether he identified himself as one or not, he spent time in that type of environment.

  3. you know how you know that Paul Ryan is a fool? you know how you know Paul Ryan is a big empty zero? when he was in the presidential debate with biden and obama care was the big issue. Paul Ryan did not and could not say: ” this is not an affordable care care because you are adding to demand and not supply”.

    Why is that a big deal? your adding to demand in two ways, your adding people to the system and you are adding coverage requirements to the system both increase cost with no supply offset.

    Ok, that’s a little heady so why does that make Paul Ryan a fool?

    Paul Ryan has an Economics degree. Its the major starting point of econ 101 / 102! so Paul Ryan with his econ degree could not even think about supply and demand.

    Everyone understand now, right? Paul Ryan should have to apologize before he starts talking because something stupid will be said.

    If you want affordable health care:

    1. eliminating the monopoly of the AMA. Its a union not a medical quality institution.
    2. you build medical training schools for every state college in the country.
    3. you hire every retired doctors, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, and most of the nurses to teach.
    4. you offer free medial degrees to any student who will sign a 15 year contract to work at a government run clinic / hospital at twice average usa income.
    5. you stop making private hospitals take whoever shows up at the emergency room.


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