Biden Has Brain Aneurism LIVE On-Stage Mid Speech as Crowd CRINGES in Total Humiliation | ‘PAUSE’



Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?

No matter what they do with FJB's face, they can't fix his brain.


  1. WTF Biden state deparrtment gross human rights charges against Israel where are the charges againt humas baby killers and rapist??? Biden is not capable of being President look at the hate for the jews in the school systems that he has allowed Soros to fimnance Look at the money he has given to Iran and the money he has alloewed to make sellimg their oil amd lifting asnctions for a Country that hates Jews and wants them destoyed. Thi is the obama kerry biden poicy they have created a war in hid two face poicy that he can not controll or wants to. Another four years of turmoil anf hate towards the jews that biden policy has financed don’t think so….

    • Bribem is just doing as ordered from “The Wizard of Kenya”, Barry Soetero. Bribem is a hostage and signs whatever Barry and Valerie tell him to sign.

  2. After getting through the typos…, all I see is hate and nastiness in the majority of articles in this publication. What I do not see is anything any MAGA person want’s to do to help this country or it’s citizens.
    Holding those accountable for committed war crimes and atrocities ON BOTH SIDES, is not anti Muslim or anti Jewish. It is humane concern for the victims of other humans that want to annihilate each other. Hamas is an enemy to all. Palestinians that just want to live in their homes with their families in peace are not. Israelis that must defend their lives and country are not the enemy. Those that purposefully kill unarmed Palestinians, with hands in the air, or kill those traveling to designated shelters are.

    • Dani lets start with your lie: Holding those accountable for committed war crimes and atrocities ON BOTH SIDES, is not anti Muslim or anti Jewish. It is humane concern for the victims of other humans that want to annihilate each other. Hamas is an enemy to all. Palestinians that just want to live in their homes with their families in peace are not.

      Palestine use to be christian Palestine until the late 1960’s when the Muslims killed the Christians and took over Palestine. the Muslims never wanted to live in peace. they want to erase Israel. There is only one aggressor and it is the same aggressor who have been at this for 1500 years. the same aggressor the vlad the impaler fought, the Templar’s fought and the the inquisitions were about.

      The next lie you said was What I do not see is anything any MAGA person want’s to do to help this country or it’s citizens. once again you are lying. every single discussion about the make american great again is about lower taxes, secure border, lower inflation, higher GNP, and lower crime.

    • Oh, Dani, drinking the Kool-Aid is not a good idea. Palestinians are run by Iran and will do anything they are told to do. Please Dani, wake up MAGA as you call us only love our families, our country and our freedom to religion. We have a bought and paid for government in Washington that doesn’t want America to be the once great country we once were. Remember who stood and died for this country, SHAME ON YOU DANI!

    • go ahead. you will be one of three real votes he gets. the other 90 million will be voter fraud votes.

      the actual voters will be voting for trump.

  3. Demonrats have always hated Israel Truman was a one term president because of what he did for Israel he recognized Israel’s independence as a nation and the demonrats hated him for it

  4. Vote stupid you get stupid when you use your precious vote make sure you are not voting for stupid do your research these last four years my IQ have shrunk and I need what brains I have left

  5. Kerry, at one time kids were taught critical thinking skills, now they are taught to march like the Hitler youth of the past. They don’t do research to find the truth, just march in lockstep with their arms raised. Personally, the parents are to blame for coddling these little zombies.


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