Biden FREEZES On Live-TV, Does Not MOVE For a Minute! Then Drinks ‘Mystery Juice’ as Audience Gasps



No Biden, no Harris, no Obamas, only Trump!! Trump 2024!

He gives me such secondhand embarrassment, I can’t even watch him!!!


  1. Yes- absolutely!
    Worst admin ever in US. Obama started the ball rolling and Trump detailed it when Killary lost, then had to discredit him to get the ball rolling again.
    Revolution is coming and necessary.

  2. Biden started the destruction of America on day 1 and has not slowed down. America is becoming a 3rd world totalitarian state. High Inflation has hit little people hard as prices in many cases have doubled or more. He has also allowed millions of aliens to enter the country with out proper vetting. America needs Trump do do again what he did when Obama left office and restore America so it works for the people and not against them.

  3. Black people should feel insulted that demonrats care more about illegals then them he is giving illegals 10 grand a piece he has never done that for any American and is taking thier benefits and giving them to illegals

  4. But they don’t realize they’re being fleeced. they have been brainwashed to stay on the plantation for so long they can’t run. Just think of all the wasted time on the underground railroads only to have it taken away for votes by the very people who have suppressed you for generations and think your too stupid to think for yourself.

  5. “Biden Tells Racially Mixed Audience That Republicans Would ‘Put Y’all Back in Chains”

    “Back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

    Biden referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

    Biden infamously asserted “you ain’t black!”

    “Biden referred to the former as “LL Jay Cool J” and then called him a “boy” before correcting himself and calling him a “man.”

    “Joe Biden said that Americans were able to stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic because “some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.”

    “Satchel Paige “the great negro” “You got a hell of a new governor in Wes Moore, I tell ya,” Biden said in a speech in Lanham, Maryland. He’s the real deal and the BOY looked like he could still play,” the president said.’

    “They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said.’

    Joe Biden- “workers without high school diplomas” in the U.S. are “African American and Hispanic workers.”

    Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”

    “Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.’

    ‘Joe Biden told a crowd in Iowa on Thursday that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

    ‘In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent”.’

  6. If Americans can’t see thru this crap we are in big trouble!!! Another
    Biden and his ventriloquist will put us on the Titanic for sure Another
    4 years of this phony baloney will destroy our country!!! Ya better wake up. The left is throwing everything they possibly can at the voters to
    make them lap dogs and use the next 4 years bringing us down
    totaly. Everything is rigged from the top down. The administration
    to the liberal media, to the courts, many lawmakers, and more. Does
    not take much to see this. If we want America to stand and survive
    we must NOT keep the same people in charge on the left. Never ever
    seen such a mess…don’t listen to their lies anymore…wise up or
    we lose our country…simple as that..voters have the power to change
    things………do it!!!

    • The President is in cognito. His name is Obama. He’s behind the destruction of our country and Bribem is his puppet. Bribem will find himself in a court of law with Blinken, Sullivan, Morell and others for that fraud letter was put out for those “dumb” Intel members of the coup d’Etat” to sign off on saying it was Russian Disinformation. This was FRAUD OF A FEDERAL ELECTION. I believe several better lose all their pay and retirement benefits. And Joe and Jill need to pay for private use of AF-1, as she flew back for a trial of a family wonder at $357,000 price tag!

  7. When Biden and President Trump have this debate (that’s if Biden doesn’t bow out) we will have a better idea how much more support President Trump will have. Obama has something up his sleeve no doubt but we will see. We can’t have another rigged election like 2020. Trump 2024, we need our country back!!


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