Biden Campaign PULLS OUT From NON-RIGGED Debates As Trump DEMANDS Sleepy Joe Get DRUG TESTED!



Debate or no debate I’m voting for President Trump all the way.

If Biden wouldn’t do Fox why should Trump do CNN?


  1. The corrupt have reduced presidential debates to a political circus. I offer Trump’s treatment by wallace as proof that these debates are worthless.

  2. Let’s see what ever Biden wants Biden gets like the moderator for example. So why can’t Trump and Biden do an independent drug tesy? Is Joe afraid the country will find out he is indeed just like his son.

    • The son is like the father. it wasnt his son’s drugs they found in the White house. We know who we must vote for. the problem is how do we check to insure they are valid. They will have drop boxes. we must have them watched. videos taken of every person, and car with licence plate and time stamp. We need to ask why the need to vote your ballot at one oclock AM. limit ballots to one at a time. make the slots small enough for one. then it will take them a long time and we can record it all Watching all polling stations and have guards to prevent any off hour deliveries. record all deliveries with licence plate numbers and time stamp. demand that any who deliver ballots sign permission to be photographed or they dont get the job. All ballots shall have a serial number that is only seen by the voting machine and is recorded. any ballot run through more than once will produce an audible error and stop the voting machine. While many laws are passed we need to have set jail time without judges making changes. it is time we secure our vote. we need people like yourself Charles that have enough courage to speak up.—- I, Grampa

  3. These displays are not true debates and never have been. They remind me of beauty pageants minus the swim suit competition.
    At this point for our nation’s sake, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind as to who to vote for – Donald Trump in a landslide. No Democrat is worthy of one iota of consideration. Dems are the anti-American Communist party.

  4. TRUMP SHOULD NOT EVEN DEBATE STUPID biden it WOULD just LOWER HIS IQ make STUPID Biden debate TRUMP on his terms not on STUPID Biden terms

  5. As I have mentioned before, Democrats are all talk and are nothing but bullies. I guess Obama figured to give answers to Biden with an ear plug, but he had to be tested for drugs, there’s no way Biden could make a sensible one-sentence answer. He probably would be instructed yes or no. Big brave talking Joe.

    • Bribem’s been getting those “ear messages” from The Wizard of Kenya since Bribem swore-in as the fake resident. Barrack was throwing salt in our faces when he joked about calling the shots with the earpiece. Old MaGoo only sign’s his name.

  6. A debate with Biden is a total waste of time and oxygen. He can’t possibly string two thoughts together without a major stimulant boost.

  7. There was NEVER going to be a debate, Trump knew that it was all a typical Marxist Democrat LIE.

    Do they ever tell the truth? The Marxists in the Biden Admin and our main stream media–ABC-NBC-CBS are owned by the corrupt Democrats and China financial influence$$$

  8. Do the MAGA folks truly believe the hog drool that is spewed here? None of it has any basis in truth, only regurgitation of stuff they’ve heard from Trump and his minions. Research, verify, make up your own minds!! Neither Trump nor Biden is a perfect candidate. However, I prefer a president who appreciates the concerns of the people he governs over his personal standing…who knows he needs the expertise and experience of others, because no one person can know everything…who is accountable for his actions…who treats others with dignity, even those who dislike him…who is forthright with the citizens and seeks consensus rather than conflict…and most of all, has honor. Donald Trump doesn’t appear to be an honorable man, I think he’d throw anyone under the bus if he thought it would benefit him. He’s unfit for public office and does not get my vote.

  9. No Surprise. There was never going to be a debate, it was all planned for biden to drop out for one excuse or another


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