BACKFIRE: Bronx Residents SAVAGE AOC After Massive Trump Rally: ‘YOU Have Done NOTHING For Us’



Who else hates AOC ?

Better get that bartender resume updated AOC!!


  1. I do not understand how anyone can vote for democrats. they lie, cheat, steal, and encourage the destruction of america.

    why do so many fools vote for them.

  2. AOC had the NERVE to bring up Stormy Daniels. How would she know if Trump had sex with that POS? Was AOC there? She better prove her words. And AOC isn’t married. Lives with her guy so what is the difference? AOC gets paid a handsome paycheck in Congress to mouth off about everyone but herself. She is a traitor pure and simple. She also was taken to Gitmo. This AOC must be an avatar, clone or paid actor which is very poor grade B acting. Her nightly dreams must be about how she can hurt someone else the next day. Anyone reading this has my permission to put this out any and everywhere, if you choose. Add to it if you want. AOC must be taken down in a humiliating way as she does to us and to TRUMP!

  3. Cortez on top of being a fake she’s a lying phony and has done nothing to help her constituents. She rattles on about different issues but makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, really doesn’t have any clue as to what she’s talking about. She caused Amazon to pull out of New York causing a lot of job losses and she’s so proud of this!! People needed these jobs which would have made business that were already there thrive as well. Such a brainless twit!

  4. aoc is a worthless piece of dog extrement ok south bronx its your turn when your election time comes around VOTE THAT PARASITE OUT send her packing back to her bar job thats where she belongs shes a bar rat tell her GOOD BYE & GOOD RIDDENCE & she can take the skank hoskul governor and adams with her love you south Bronx stand tall stay strong VOTE TRUMP

    • Don’t we all Doris, don’t we all. She pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes and now the wool is coming off. Wake up people, you put a deadbeat on her pedestal, now knock her off.

  5. People who vote demonrats hate freedom and love to suffer they hate capitalism they hate the easy life the good life demonrats have always loved the criminals over American citizens in my day they had big love for drunk drivers especially those that hurt people and they would let them go to do it again I was a drunk drivers third victim I am crippled and totally disabled because of demonrats policy and I will never vote demonrats

    • I’m sorry for your troubles, I have seen it in many states. Mothers against drunk drivers only picks and choses who they come out against. And liberals will give any repeat criminal more chances until they kill someone, and they still won’t put them away. This judicial system is so crooked and unfair.

  6. What kind of a sick person marries her own brother? She is corrup and a liar, so she must be a democrat!!Is there a decent democrat out there?


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