Like a slimy politician, Ana didn’t care about any of the ideas and policies she advocated for until it affected her personally.
“We didn’t sign up for this.”
You literally did! These are the policies that have been put in place by the people YOU ELECTED!
hilarious. each leftist/democrat staunchly defends the democrats BS knowing that it is mostly BS. they lie about the democrats policy impacts. they blame others for what they know the dmeocrats did. they vote for people they know are not as good and are usually corrupt. They do all of this to be able to say they “vote liberal” and hold their badge of fake liberalism.
most of them know that the dmeocrats have not been liberal is 180 years. they do not care. they want that “I’m a liberal” badge.
Then something happens. something that has so much impact on them they have to grow up. Suddenly they are not a democrat and they do not care about their liberal badge anymore.
The last four years have held a lot of these grow up moment. that is why, just like the person in this article, so many are leaving the left.