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After Almost Getting Trump Killed, The Secret Service Cries About Mean Tweets | Ep. 1404

After Almost Getting Trump Killed, The Secret Service Cries About Mean Tweets | Ep. 1404


Today on the Matt Walsh Show, only a few days after the extreme incompetence of the Secret Service (or something more sinister than that) nearly got Donald Trump killed, the Secret Service is focused on what really matters: mean comments about their female agents. The agency isn’t trying to figure out how and why they failed to prevent an assassination attempt. Instead, they’re busy valiantly defending their own diversity initiatives. Also, JD Vance delivers his speech at the Republican convention. We’ll play one important moment from that speech. And, now hosts on MSNBC are floating the idea that the Trump shooting was staged, in spite of how incoherent that theory is. And, the calls for Biden to step down have reached a fever pitch. I will do something unexpected today and make the case that Biden should stay in this race. I’m Ridin’ with Biden.


Joy should be kicked off social media for stupidity

Imagine how bad clowns feel, when they’re compared to Secret Service agents.

After Almost Getting Trump Killed, The Secret Service Cries About Mean Tweets | Ep. 1404

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