Do people remember when Antifa was starting fires in the forests of Oregon 4 or 5 years ago? Well…
Newsome DESERVES to go to prison for this nightmare!
Do people remember when Antifa was starting fires in the forests of Oregon 4 or 5 years ago? Well…
Newsome DESERVES to go to prison for this nightmare!
“At least some of the protesters who looted, rioted, burned buildings and overturned police cars in Ferguson, Missouri, last year were promised payment of up to $5,000 per month by M.O.R.E., to join the protests.
The Ferguson riots cost the county $4.2 million.
MORE is funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, the Times notes, through his Open Society Foundations (OSF)”
“Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.
FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online.”
“WHAT’S TRUE: A grantmaking network founded by George Soros provided funding to some groups that engaged in Ferguson-related protest activities.”-SNOPES
“A.B.C. NEWS ..’The men who launched al Qaeda’s English-language magazine may have died in a U.S. missile strike last fall, but “Inspire” magazine lives on without them — and continues to promote jihadi attacks on Western targets, offering detailed advice on how to start huge forest fires in America with timed explosives and how to build remote-controlled bombs.”
WASHINGTON EXAMINER-“In July 2012, former National Security Agency official and Aviation Week editor William Scott delivered an American Center for Democracy presentation on “Fire Wars” with a detailed discussion of how terrorists use fire as a weapon of war. “Perhaps the most simple form of economic warfare is wild land arson,” Scott told a panel. “For any terrorists that are determined to inflict significant damage with very little investment or risk, fire is an extremely high-leverage weapon of mass effect.” Scott said that Navy SEALs found documents after capturing Osama bin Laden that revealed a plot to set fires in America. “U.S. officials have pretty much determined that some of the fires that burned in California [in 2011] were ignited by al Qaeda operatives,” Scott said.”
Been saying this since the first one started. And NEWSOM you dude let the water run out and cut down on firemen and lowered their funding, so yes you are to blame.