JFK Declassified: The New Files Reveal the Truth of the Assassination | Full Special



If the American Government did not have anything to do with the Kennedy assignation, there wouldn’t be any reason to keep this classified.

History Channel is great at saying nothing whatsoever but making it seem like they are


  1. what a BAD JOKE. they’re still pushing the LIE that it was oswald?
    A later investigation said otherwise, so what’s up with these idiots?
    Oh, yeah, the CIA had info on it. We all know that if it comes from the CIA, it’s got to be true (NOT)

    • 100% Agreed Stevor> I was 11 when they shot my Pres #35 JFK. and i am still pissed. 72+ now studied hours months years off an on about it. I am convinced Lee H. O. NEVER fired a shot… He was indeed a patsy, thinking he was working for our Govt to undercover some things and it cost him his life.. Jack Rubenstein [Ruby] well it is obvious. Hope #47 releases all as he Promised to RFK<Jy ]aka Bobby] all the copies of Docs.
      And then let th Chit Hit the fam… from SE Texas Bear

  2. Watch the ‘Zapruder’ film. Filmed by a local man with an 8mm movie camera who was next to JFK’s limo when he was shot, it clearly shows that the second shot hit JFK squarely in the head FROM THE FRONT. In slow motion, it clearly shows JFK clutching his throat from the first shot from the back. As he is hunched over in his seat, his head explodes from a high impact hit from the front forcefully knocking him back in his seat. That’s when Jackie panics and tries to exit the limo. Zapruder’s film ends when the limo drives past a road sign, blocking the view. Watch the film in slow-motion and make your own determination.


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