Does anyone think the federal government doesn’t want Florida to investigate and find the feds were involved?
The scary thing is that the Democrat party is full of people like Ryan Routh. I’ve never met a woke activist type who wasn’t a complete nut job.
I hope, to someday soon, be able to legally hunt and destroy those that would cause harm to my (formally evil empire) country and ANY of it’s citizens (because all the lunatics have all be removed) that desire to live and breathe free in the new America. We the People must restore the republic AND law & order.
OH, those lovely feds. Been corrupt WAY before the 1860’s when the constitution and the republic of We the People was destroyed by a tyrant & mass murderer named dis-Honest Abe Lincoln. You think you have been lied to about Bill Clinton & sloppy Joe Obiden? Lincoln is still the most evil. YOU and socialist Amerika have been lied to…. free yourself from the communist propaganda. STOP funding YOUR abuse & abusers in gov’t. April 15th, only 4 months away