When people are afraid, loosing, and lying, they will go to ANY extreme to win and prove their point, even when its a LIE!! GOD GAVE US THE GIFT OF FREE WILL, and they are trying to take THAT AWAY FROM US. We have the God given right to choose whatever, whenever, NOT TO BE THREATENED FOR IT!!! GOD WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL!!! WHAT GOD CAN DO, IS BETTER THAN THE DEMOCRATS OR SOCIAL MEDIA, OR NEWSPAPER CAN. BECAREFUL WHO YOU ARE MESSING WITH!!!
When people are afraid, loosing, and lying, they will go to ANY extreme to win and prove their point, even when its a LIE!! GOD GAVE US THE GIFT OF FREE WILL, and they are trying to take THAT AWAY FROM US. We have the God given right to choose whatever, whenever, NOT TO BE THREATENED FOR IT!!! GOD WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL!!! WHAT GOD CAN DO, IS BETTER THAN THE DEMOCRATS OR SOCIAL MEDIA, OR NEWSPAPER CAN. BECAREFUL WHO YOU ARE MESSING WITH!!!