Woman BREAKS DOWN IN TEARS DEMANDING Answers From Kamala On Illegal Immigrants Getting Free Money!



Dear democrats
The higher you go
The hardest you fall
Trump 24

Felt bad for her until she said “no loan cuz I’m black”. She’ll vote for Kamala anyways.


  1. She said it all when she said “my president”. She just can’t wrap her mind around the FACT that the rotten liars usurping the presidency and the vice presidency, are in fact dedicated to destroying all self employed entrepreneurs such as herself, and indeed destroying all free enterprise.In other words “her president” wants America destroyed! And I’ll bet she will vote demoncrap again and again and again. God help us when complete fools vote!

  2. Lyndon Johnston laughed when he used his pen and said, “With this bill, we’ll keep them (blacks) on the plantation another 150 years. He was just as predjudice as Bribem and Robert Byrd Sen WV (D) Grand Wizard KKK. And blacks would follow these bigots anywhere and continue to get ripped off!
    This woman and her communist VP pick are the most dangerous duo to ever run for the Oval Office and neither one has a single vote! Tampon Tim is also being investigated as of today by the Congressional Investigation Committee over his Chinese visits and schooling. He’s just what Chairman XI want’s in our White House. A Manchurian Candidate. Who picked and vetted this Manchurian Candidate?

  3. If this is true, everyone ought to march on Washington, and run all of them out. The United States owes NOTHING to people who are here illegally, I don’t care who they are. We have enough people on government assistance programs who are citizens. We definitely don’t need any that aren’t. I’m not super-up on government programs, but anyone who runs for election who helped with that idea will definitely never get my vote. I’ll be doing some investigating of my own now and let others know if I find out it’s true. I’ve never had one bit of govt. assistance in my life (I’m 82) that someone hadn’t worked to make me eligible for it. I am a lifetime US citizen. We deserve whatever the govt. wants to give to someone, not someone here illegally. Used to be, that you had to show proof of fiscal ability of taking care of yourself or you couldn’t come in. Let’s go back to that ASAP.

  4. Total fact. Liberals are commies and are well paid to destroy our country. Trump is non-paid and smarter than any of the crooked dems who have google and all news services lying daily about him. Dems are so crooked, calling them commies is a compliment. They must be destroyed as well as the individuals and countries buying them off.

  5. The People of America need to wake up and dig for the truth. I’m voting for whomever is telling the truth by my the standards I want to live by! And the democratic party is not the way I want to go! Their values are what communist countries have had for years ! The people that have wrote their opinions above are totally in the right direction !

  6. Slaves will always be Slaves just like a drug attic they will always be a drug attic with no will to improve or get better you have to be willing to die if that is what it takes and earn your freedom for freedom is never free blood sweat and tears are required to be free and stay free

  7. Wouldn’t it be nice if people wake up and realize the cost of food, rent, fuel, electricity, clothing, and esentials to live on are so costly since the Biden/Harris Administration has illegally obtained control of our Whitehouse? Common sense is missing in many American citizens. I am a strong believer that charity belongs at home first! Another words is that American Citizens are the priority, & not illegal alliens! DJ Trump is the only avenue to vote for and not any Dem!

  8. Lets hope there are more people with “common sense” like all the people who just wrote their minds and hearts to MAGA. Your comments are so right on! I enjoyed reading them! Its comforting to know there are others out there that see the Radical left Marxist 3rd world style democrat switch-a-roo (coup d’tate) moving US even further towards Commuism! Lets Pray for those poor souls caught in the Radical lefties Democrats delusional spell.


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