Holy CRAP… Trump actually did this on a live stream lol



As a card-carrying Democrat, I never saw Kamala as a choice for President on my ballot, I saw her listed as Bidens VP. I would not have voted for Biden and did not select Harris. I have been told I will vote for her , so in the spirit of no means no, I will vote for Trump.

I would vote for the Three stooges before I would vote for obamala harris.
MAGA HERE and proud of it Trump 2024


  1. I know that no one every really thinks things through much. At this point is is almost too painful. The really can slip in pretty quickly and ruin your whole day.

    I love ruining dmeocrats / leftists day so here I go again.

    Kamala has tons of skeletons in her closet. so does Waltz, biden, clinton and obama. You can not get elected with all those impediments constantly jumping out into public. the drunk driving, cackles, law license removal, racism, etc. really turn off the public.

    To drive home the point the democrats have been making up fake images of their candidates for 30 years we can look at the occasional harvard professor (obama) who they called “harvard professor”. his real income was from George soros as asoros community agitator and later soros purchased senator.

    Biden was not the kindly middle of the road moderate the democrat portrayed him as. he is a demented, mean, angry, extremist who was a member of the kkk.

    They are trying to re-image Harris as intelligent, moderate and caring. she is not she is a low IQ DEI hire who will do anything to get ahead and who’s staff despises her.

    Waltz is not a caring, kindly people oriented war hero. he is a selfish, dishonest, uncaring sleaze bag.

    Look at Hilary clinton. over and over the dmeocrats have tried to re-image her has a kindly, caring, motherly person. the reality is she is so dishonest and sleazy that she lost her law license 50 years ago for her dishonesty. she did not care at all that our ambassador died and did nothign to stop it. she simply went to bed.

    The reason the dmeocrats have to re-image all of their candidates is that people who belong to the democrat party are selfish, lazy, sleazy people. harris and waltz are no different.

    There is a reason the democrat party always results in making things worse in an america. it is the people who are attracted to that party.

  2. I appreciate that. I would refund the refund if requested . You did go beyond for me. Before putting the microplastics information in the description maybe check on as many sources you can find. There won’t be many. I only saw one but it was very scientific, explaining how it destroys or converts them. Other filters may jump on bandwagon and say that soon but it’s the boiling/steam that does it. The after photo says it all about water suppies. I’ve lived in 3 places since using the distillers and 3 different cities, it always leaves that bad residue! And remind support@COZ about putting name of detergent in book or separate paper. Unreal such an oversight! Your customers may be the lucky ones with better information if you put it.! Thanks so much.


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