We FOUND their zoom call!! It’s worse than you think lol



I’m a Conservative Christian Latina from southern California, and I’ll be voting for Trump for the 3rd time! Liberals are the downfall of our nation! Wake up, America!!!!

Black Woman Christian conservative voting 3rd time for President Trump2024-2028 Saving Our Country Again ❤️


  1. Why can’t we just go back to Martin Luther King’s axiom: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” All of the DEI stuff would be gone!

    • I have always believed that character should be the criteria for the people I choose to be around. I am a white, Italian, Catholic (although not very religious in a formal sense) and have 6 black cousins, 2 Chinese cousins, 2 gay males in my family and my best friends are Jews. I have always judged people fairly and think this over-the-top DEI stuff only segregates those folks more. I have lived at a time where I saw the bathroom and water fountain signs in the South that said white and negro on them. I lived through the Martin Luther King civil rights movement and watched the brutality against black people. Black people and others have no idea how far this Country has come and rather than point out and make a big deal of every transgression they should highlight all the successes of black people and the many white people who support them. This current administration which is loaded with incompetent DEI’s including Kamala should be ashamed of hiring such losers when there has to be better representatives of the groups they represent. If I were a member of one of those groups, I would be really angry with their selections that in a manner would represent me. I am also a conservative, Independent in case you’re wondering if there are any of us who are not racists, etc. I just call things the way I see them and if folks don’t like it, well too bad.

  2. Democrats use the old Commie tactic of ‘divide and conquer’ by pitting ethnic groups against each other, class warfare, have and have-nots, etc.. White ‘liberals’ (they are not) are the ‘useful idiots’ that Vladimir Lenin mocked by helping the Bolshevik cause out of sheer ignorance of what the Communist political end-game really is. They don’t care about minorities, social justice, economic status or anything else — all they want is power. Power at any cost. Never forget that.


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