Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA


What really happened to JFK? Was it one shooter? Did Lee Harvey Oswald really pull the trigger? So many questions left unanswered in one of America’s most tragic moments. Let’s look deeper into one theory that suggests the CIA was actually the one behind JFK’s assassination, and there is some compelling evidence to prove it. Check out today’s extra deep dive into one of the wildest conspiracy theories out there, but could it actually be true?


When haven’t they

I wasn’t alive in 1963 but I’ve listened to that speech and JFK did more than just focus on peace as a topic. He actually said peace is “The most important topic on Earth.”
“I have, therefore, chosen this time and place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived–yet it is the most important topic on earth: Peace.” JFK 6/10/1963


  1. If you can still find it, watch ‘The Zapruder film’. It is a short film sequence of JFK being shot in real time. The actual film was taken by a local Dallas business man, Abraham Zapruder, using a 8mm home movie camera. He was a bystander standing on the side of the street watching JFK’s motorcade pass by on November, 22, 1963. His home movie camera captures JFK taking a shot from the back that passed through his neck and then hit Texas Governor John Connelly who was seated in front of JFK in the Presidential limousine. JFK is seen clutching his throat with both hands in response to the shot. Mere seconds later, JFK’s head is forcefully thrown backwards and explodes by shot from the front. Even as a twelve year old kid who was an experienced hunter by then, I realized that second shot was from the front, not from Lee Harvey Oswald’s shooting position in the rear of JFK. The resulting Warren Commission ‘investigation’ conveniently omitted any follow-up investigations of the JFK assassination. To this day, the ‘Zapruder film’ has convinced me that JFK was shot by two assassins.


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