The 7-Minute White House Video That’s Sending Shockwaves Through Washington



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The most inept administration of all time.


  1. This is what you get when you do not hire competent people to do a job. You hire transgender (look how that turned out) you hire black women to lie (look how that’s turning out and not just in the White House) and you wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket, there’s your answer!

    • “Biden administration appoints record number of LGBTQI+ officials. The United States currently has its most diverse administration ever, including the most LGBTQI+ officials.- The White House

      I’d rather read, “Biden administration appoints record number of extremely qualified, hard working, competent administration officials ever.”

  2. Apparently she was the best liar amoung all that interviewed for the job….everything she said was a complete LIE!!!!

  3. Obama needs to leave the White House immediately.It is obvious that Biden is having issues and should not be making decisions for this country .It is also obvious that Obama has been in the White Hoiuse for most of Bidens presidency so he knows exactly what is going on and he has been guiding Biden through decision making.You can see Obamas hand in the decisions that Biden has been making. Obama’s (presidential) objective was to take down this country.He is never what he said he was.He attended Schwabbs school for young men.Hence his backing.He was a terrible presiden. He was a race baiter and that is why we are reliving the agony of Racism again in this country.Dinesh D’Souza researched him for many years and when he was running for (2016)president made a movie called “Obamas America”.The Roots of Obama’s Rage by Dinesh D’Souza, Everything he said was true. That movie should be rerun in the theaters today.It would open the eyes of many.

  4. This is what happens when you vote stupid you get stupid you vote demonrat you get a pervert administration that has no experience and hate America

  5. KJP’s hairdo makes her look like a mushroom. And we all know where mushrooms are grown and what they are fed.


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