DRUNK Nancy Pelosi Claims Trump As Dementia In UNHINGED RANT After Being Confronted With BRUTAL Poll



She’s 84 years old. She has no business being in public office. It made her rich, time to move on.

Joe Biden is fine. Keep him in the race please. TRUMP 2024


  1. Of course she does. Her brain is pickled, maybe they should put her somewhere far, away to dry out, and maybe sent a few of her delusional colleagues and Joe Biden with her.

    • both her and her husband are alcoholics and drug users. Despite this they manage to out preform the best stock analysts in the stock market.

      But it is not corruption. that is what they tell us.

  2. Rule number 1 demonrats always lies why people vote for them i have no clue i think americans love really bad liers and hate the good life

  3. There are many democrats I woudl never believe but Pelosi and schiff top the top.

    Both of them have watched california turn to crap due to their own policies and beliefs. schiff was even robbed due to his policies and beliefs. despite this they would love to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.

    Just how hateful and evil do you have to be to think like these two think?

    • They’ve had years of perfecting their evil ways. Pelosi has made millions off the American people. Many people have gone to prison for insider trading but the Pelosi family just keep getting richer. Schiff-for-brains has many skeletons in his closet for years – hopefully will be disclosed someday soon. He is a pathological liar and wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him full force in the face. These scourges of California (many others included but too many to name) need to be cleansed from the once beautiful state and imprisoned just as they have incarcerated and are trying to incarcerate innocent people that get in their way.

  4. Like califonians want to live in a bigger expensive shit hole i know i dont want to live in an expensive shit hole of america

  5. It isn’t the first time that Nancy has been suspected of being polluted with the white liquor of Russia. She has been out of touch for so long and I agree should retire. She has no business being a congress person because she is too old to make rational decisions. Her district is in shambles, and she has made enough off of her insider trading deals that her of her husband can fade off into the sun set.

  6. She needs to take a good look in the mirror to see who has dementia. She also needs to hang it up and go home to California where she belongs. Her brain is fried!

  7. Old Nancy will be dying soon, of a cooked liver. She needs to go on the wagon for at least 3 years. Will someone please shove a dirty rag in her mouth. She has been prejudged by God, and will be going to Hell for eternity.

    • Edward, you seen to have forgotten Nancy, Biden and the likes will live on just to torment us just like Lucifer has planned. Remember, only the good die young!


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